A Flawless Rest Of The Fight

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Sparley stats
Health 113500
Strength 32500
Speed 24250
Equip: Darksteel sword and armor

Flavo stats
Health 105600
Strength 32000
Speed 61000
Equip: Bloodsteel sword and armor

Garb stats
Health 75000
Strength 90000
Speed 50000
Equip: Rubium sword and armor

Sasha stats
Health 89000
Strength 27000
Speed 56000
Equip: Rubium sword and armor

Flavo sliced one of the creatures limbs a little and the creature then knocked Flavo to a wall. Flavo coughed out blood before throwing his sword and chopping the creatures left arm off. It made a suffering screech before dashing and blinding Flavo in light. Flavo navigated his his hands until he felt something, then he immediately swung, and the battle continued.

As I was watching, my health regenerated to about 50000 health, so I got back up and surprise attacked the creature from behind, stabbing its leg. The creature roared before regenerating almost all of its limbs and stabbing the side of Flavo’s hip.

I gasped and sliced some of the creatures torso off, making it target me now. It jumped as I ducked and slid underneath the creature, reaching Flavo. I looked at his hip wound.

Sparley: Are you gonna be okay for this?

Flavo nodded like a champ.

Flavo: Even though he can kill me in two hits, yeah.

We both turned towards the monster, who had just regrown its limbs again. We had a standoff, only staring at each other. Then, the monster attacked, leaping forward with pure hunger.

We waited until the monster went in and swung at us, then we jumped and sliced the thrown hand off, and We then jumped off the creatures shoulder and Flavo launched me forward to the monster. I aimed my sword right at the monster, and then my blade collided with the monster, slicing its torso by a lot, now being able to see its yellow core. The monster roared once more and swung at me with its arms, in which I blocked with my sword and was launched away.

Flavo grabbed my hand as I flew, pulling me towards him and not hitting the wall this time.

The monster tried healing, but couldn't, so it instead raised its hand and launched it right towards Flavo, hitting and wounding his chest slightly. Flavo brushed it off like an average tuesday and we spun around until Flavo launched me again to the monster. I raised my sword and swung down as quick as possible as my blade went into contact with the monsters core, exploding it in so much glowing goo that my body was covered with goo, and the monster fell to the ground, dead and twitching.

I ran back to Flavo and hugged him, feeling the most amazing experience ever.

Then I pulled back with sweat on me, and accidentally got glowing goo on Flavo.

Sparkly: Wow, I didn't know we fought so well together. :D

Flavo wiped some goo off of him along with some sweat.

Flavo: Your right, that guy had hundreds of thousands of health, and we killed him easily with that strategy.

Flavo then grinned.

Flavo: We should do that more often.

Flavo then winked at me, making me blush and cover my face. I nodded in agreement as we picked up the monster's box bux and headed up the stairs. The sun was rising in the horizon thankfully even though we barely got any sleep. At the couch area to the front, a work in progress kitchen was waiting for Flavo to finish.

Flavo: I think I should... finish that...

Flavo pulled out stone from his pocket and started building up the kitchen again. I glanced at the sun and then back at Flavo.

Sparley: What was this you said was a "New update" that happens today?

Flavo: Oh yeah, it's a balancing update, not anything too minor, just made troops from respawning in 1 minute be about an hour. Also they added night globes, which is sweeet. :D

David appeared below Flavo, for Flavo was on a ladder finishing the roof of the kitchen.

David: You wanna buy some night globes?

Flavo looked like he was thinking for a second, then he nodded and jumped off the ladder to take a look at David's shop.

Flavo: Night globes cost 200 thousand box bux, and what they do is speed up the time of a biome by 10 days.

Flavo admired his finished work, also known as the kitchen then continued talking.

Flavo: Also, since the deads biome builds strength and spawn rate based on nights, this will speed up that strength and spawn rate, which means more box bux.

Flavo looked at David's shop once more and bought a night globe, before tossing it to me. I barely caught it as he walked to the front door and motioned for me to follow him.

Flavo: Break it to use it, ok?

I nodded and followed him outside to the deads biome, and when we were in a pretty large area of the deads biome, I broke the globe and immediately saw at the top of my vision "+10 nights, the deads are getting stronger."

Flavo: Ahh, these things are gonna be so useful!

I nodded and watched as more deads spawned than usual.

Sparley: Soooo, uh, you wanna kill some deads until Garb and Sasha wake up?

Flavo turned to me and put out a thumbs up.

Flavo: Sure.

Flavo stood by me until the deads were close enough, and then I heard a projectile be thrown by a dead, a poison gut. As I was hit without noticing, poison was affected on me.

I was slightly more dizzy killing and turned to Flavo.

Sparley: Why am I so dizzy and tired all the sudden?

Flavo turned to the culprit. A greener than usual dead was tearing his guts out and throwing it at us. I couldn't believe I didn't notice that.

Flavo: A poisonic dead, that thing is what poisoned you.

I, very wobbly, ran to the poisonic dead, and I one hit it. I watched its corpse fall to the ground and picked up the box bux.

Sparley: Does these things happen every few nights?

Flavo nodded as another new dead emerged from the ground, it was dark green. When we both faced it, it started sprinting fast as frick to both of us.

Sparley: Ohhh like that.

The dead almost jumped and hit me, but then Flavo sliced it in half before it could get to me.

Flavo: Those are leaper deads, be careful of them.

I nodded as we both watched the dead body, then we continued fighting the undead.

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