Flavo, what the frick!

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Sparley stats
Health 27500
Strength 10250
Speed 10550
Equip: Darksite sword and armor

Flavo stats
Health 48000
Strength 13000
Speed 30000
Equip: Gold sword and armor

Garb stats
Health 45000
Strength 10500
Speed 42000
Equip: Rubium sword and armor

Sasha stats
Health 48000
Strength 9800
Speed 40000
Equip: Rubium sword and armor

I woke up the next day in the same chair I woke up in yesterday, and in the same dirty room. Except I had money! I got up from my chair and opened the door. Garb and Sasha woke up and were there drinking coffee.

Sparley: Where did you guys get coffee?

Sasha: You know who...

We all turned to see David with a wide grin at the corner of the room, with his shop stand and items.

David: What up, bois... no wait, WHAT UP GIRLS AND BOI!

Sasha gave him a dumbfounded look before buying a darksite sword. David only put on his sunglasses and started looking cool. I shrugged and bought some bread from David.

Even though we don't eat, I wanted to see if food tasted differently, and it turns out, they don't, so when I took a bite of the bread, I threw it away.

We all nodded to eachother like we could read eachothers minds, and then headed off in the direction of Darens kingdom. I kept checking my wrist as we were walking, hoping my stats were good enough for the heist or whatever it was.

Sparley: Wait, what even is the plan? What are we doing?

Sasha: Okay, so you know how Darens kingdom is huge?

I nodded questioningly, for I don't think Darens kingdom was that big.

Sasha: Well, in a secret room he keeps protected, there are riches you cannot imagine, and there is also long lost information on the three royal siblings. We need information so we can get Flavo back to normal and we need to steal all the box bux he has so we can get extremely powerful and destroy him.

Sasha said all that like she couldn't wait to kill Daren, I backed away slightly.

Garb: That sounds simple enough, right?

I nodded, except I didn't know how we were going to break in. From the looks of Garbs and Sashas eyes, I could tell they had an idea.

A few minutes later, we stood a mile away from Darens now huge kingdom, having grown almost 3 times bigger than when I had last been there. My jaw dropped in disbelief.

Sparley: Bruh, how the fricken blicken did Daren grow his kingdom so fast?! Is he hacking or something?

I said jokingly, in which Sasha and Garb pulled out grappling guns and shot at the walls of the gigantic castle.

I looked as their hooks punctured through the stone walls, and then they buried their guns deep into the dirt.

Garb: Come on, we're going up Darren's castle by a lot if string.

Sparley: Is this safe?

Sasha: If you don't fall it's safe, so come on.

Sasha motioned for me to go up the rope with them. I hesitantly grabbed onto the rope and slowly began scaling up the rope, going nearer and nearer to the walls of the castle.

I looked down and saw the tremendous fall if I messed up, which got me scared. The hot sun beat down on us as we kept scaling. Eventually, we were right next to the wall.

There was a balcony right on top of us, with troops on them, so we needed to be careful. If they spot us, they could easily knock us off the castle.

Garb pulled out golden digger claws and gave them to me and Sasha. We scaled up the wall with the claws, and then I went to the left and up, eventually being right next to the balcony.

I let go and leaped for the balcony, 3 or 4 troops noticed me as I fell right on top of them. Garb and Sasha jumped to the balcony and fought of the troops with me, until we wrecked all of them.

Garb: Okay, now we just need to go 7 floors down.

I immediately turned to Garb in disbelief.

Sparley: 7 floors!? How big is this thing?

Garb sighed and shrugged.

Garb: Yep. This feels like those cartoons of something having a "2 years later" or something.

Sasha: Uh, yeah, ya think?


After way to much time of fighting and going down stairs, we arrived at the treasury entrance. The secrets of the royal siblings were at our fingertips.

Garb opened the door first.

Garb: Ladies first?

Sasha rolled her eyes as we entered the treasury. Inside, there were piles of box bux everywhere. The ground was made of pure solid gold. There was a royal scent everywhere, with Yellow fog everywhere.

We stood in awe before Garb and Sasha started collecting the box bux and searching for information. I looked around and saw a lever to the left of me next to a pile of box bux against the wall. I flicked it and a door revealed itself. I opened it and entered inside.

Inside was with artifacts of all kinds on the floor, with pictures of people who I found out to be the royal siblings hanging on the walls. The one on the left was a guy wearing red armor with a mini dragon behind them. They had red short hair. I looked and saw their prime color was red.

At the right, a picture of a yellow armored man with yellow short hair stood, holding a single box bux.

The room was pretty small, but held a ton of information. A book was below each of the giant pictures, with a different symbol for each one. At the front of the room, the picture of Flavo was hung, along with a grey haired woman and blue haired little girl.

I took the book from below the picture and saw his prime color was blue. I opened the book and read what it contained.

"Flavo, a successful titan, and strongest of the royal siblings. But he just doesnt know how to raise a family. Terra, Flavos wife, and mother of herath is living a life of misery along with Herath, ever since Flavo left. How this all happened? A dark force left the glitch one day, and in the biggest battle plan of the siblings lives, the dark force sprang and tooken care of the siblings One by one, making them forget the biggest memory of their lives. The one Flavo forgot, was the warmth and comfort he was givin."

The rest of the pages were ripped out, probably tooken by Daren, but WHAT!? Flavo had a wife? Atleast I now know what will get Flavo back to normal, but how do I tell or show him?

Before I could dig further or read the others, I heard arrowfire outside the treasury. I took the three books and ran out the room to the main treasury, where Garb and Sasha were blocking arrows and slicing troops. I quickly joined them as behind the troops I could see Daren with a bloodthirsty grin on his face when he saw me.

I jumped into the horde and demolished the troops that were in my way, right until Daren charged right at me. He grabbed my throat as he threw me to the wall, before readying a punch. I barely ducked before a hole was left from Darens fist. I gripped my sword tight and swung at Darens chest well he was trying to pull his fist away from the damaged wall.

I ended up barely slicing into Darens chest. He cursed and slapped my face before pulling out his gem and throwing me further to the ground.

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