The Gem

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Sparley stats
Health 28000
Strength 11000
Speed 12000
Equip: Darksite sword and armor

Flavo stats
Health 48000
Strength 13000
Speed 30000
Equip: Gold sword and armor

Garb stats
Health 46000
Strength 10750
Speed 42000
Equip: Rubium sword and armor

Sasha stats
Health 50000
Strength 10800
Speed 41250
Equip: Rubium sword and armor

He then immediately held the gem in my direction. My thoughts were being manipulated, my cheeks flushed from the gems control. I tried looking away but couldn't. I tried to scream but couldn't. My sword fell from my hands as my vision was getting blurry with red and pink. I heard muffles of "Sparley!" And "Try to resist!" But I couldn't stop.

NO PLEASE... STOP... please...

My vision was getting more blurry as my eyes were tearing up. The gem was too powerful.

I saw Garb try pulling the gem away but Daren wouldn't stop. Daren turned my head to his and stared into my eyes, until my vision was black, and I was unconscious.

Flashes of various scenes were put into my head, one of a glitching biome, another of a gigantic purple mountain, and finally a giant being made of Cosmic matter, staring down apon a globe, which i assume to be the world of Static Champions.

Finally, my vision cleared up, I felt dizzy and nauseous as I stood next to Daren, with two people in front of me, their necks tied to a rope, with a trapdoor below them.

I recognized those people. Garb and Sasha. Daren was gonna hang them.

Daren motioned the lever to me.

Daren: How about you do the honors, Sparley?

I was tensing up as he said those words. He put my hand on the lever. I looked down and saw I was in dark steel armor, which is stronger than darksite. I looked at Daren, who started to notice I was not in the gems control anymore.

He pulled out the gem before I ran and pulled out a dark steel sword. I cut the ropes of Garb and Sasha as Daren started shining the gem in my direction.

I hid behind a barrel, blocking the gems effects. Daren mumbled to himself before pulling out a blood steel blade and cutting the barrel in two. I looked at his blood shot eyes as I lunged with my sword. It hit his, and we started trading hits with eachother. Garb and Sasha were clearing out Darens sword troops as I did so.

Garb: Good to have you back Sparley, after two weeks.

Daren was stronger than last time as when he struck me, I went flying to the sky. I repositioned myself and slammed down on Daren with my sword, giving a big blow to him.

Daren pulled out the gem, but I hut it out of his hand before he tripped on a stone and fell to the ground.

I looked to the side of Daren, and a few feet I could see the gem, shining to the sky. Daren looked at me before crawling towards the gem.

I leaped and grabbed the gem before he could, and I ran with it in my pocket. Daren yelled out to the sword troops helping him up.

Daren: Release Flavo!

A few meters away from me, a cage was being moved with Flavo in it, wearing dark steel armor, with still his mind controlled self. Darens troops broke the bar handles and the cage flung open as Flavo lunged for me.

I threw myself to the side as Flavo crashed to the ground, before we both got back up and started circling eachother.

Flavo: Daren will be pleased after I put your dead body in his treasure room, like a souvineer.

Flavo and I then lunged for eachother. My blade caught his as we commented battle. As I swung again, Flavo grabbed the tip of my blade and threw it off my hands to the side. His hand now looked bloody after being sliced open. He looked at his sliced hand.

Flavo: Where did your sword go?

Flavo then thrusted his blade at me as I leaped for my sword. Flavo grabbed it and pointed both his sword and mine in my direction.

We both didn't speak, I was done for, Flavo raised the swords and threw them down on me. I backed up as the swords cut my neck and cheek. He chuckled to himself until Sasha leaped and threw Flavo to the ground, launching both my sword and his to the air.

Flavo knocked Sasha away before I caught both blades and sliced Flavos torso and arm. He screamed in pain as I threw the swords to the side.

I then heard Daren behind me as I was about to walk towards Flavo. He screamed something I didn't hear as Sasha tackled him to the ground and kept punching him over and over again.

I crouched down and grabbed Flavo by the neck, I coughed a little blood as Flavo did too.

Flavo: What makes you think you can get the other Flavo back, huh? You will never get him back, he never forgets.

Flavo gave me a blank stare and expression.

Flavo: You will never get him back.

I coughed before bringing his head to mine and pressed our lips together.

Now you may think I'm weird, but Flavo forgot his wife, so that means he forgot what a kiss felt like.

We kissed for what felt like forever, until I backed my head away. Flavos body started turning back to normal color instead of purple, his anger was let out as he looked at me.

Flavo: Wh-Wh-What happened?

I looked down at him as he looked at his surroundings. I helped him to his feet.

Sparley: A lot.

I then walked away and when Flavo didn't see me, I wiped my lips and looked blankly at the floor.

Sparley: Why did I have to do that? He has a wife!

I sat down, I needed a break from this.

There was fire everywhere, I realized I was right in front of Darens castle, which looked way bigger, but it was also on fire. Then I heard a screaming voice coming towards me.


I looked behind me to see Daren with a blood steel sword aimed right at me. He raised his sword and was about to swipe down, until a dark steel sword emerged and stabbed right through him. He fell to the ground as the person who stabbed them revealed themselves to be Flavo.

I stood wide eyed and blushed at him as he helped me up.

Sparley: Th-thank you.

Flavo smiled at me.

Flavo: No problem, but I have a question, is that guy ok?

We both looked to the side to see Daren bleeding out. He coughed out blood, before saying his final words.

Daren: You ruin *Cough* everythin...

He then grew silent, and we knew he was dead.

Static Championsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن