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Sparley stats
Health 27500
Strength 10250
Speed 10500
Equip: Emerald sword and armor

Flavo stats
Health 48000
Strength 13000
Speed 30000
Equip: Gold sword and armor

Garb stats
Health 45000
Strength 10500
Speed 42000
Equip: Rubium sword and armor

Sasha stats
Health 48000
Strength 9800
Speed 40000
Equip: Rubium sword and armor

I awoke in a dark, plain space with stone walls and stone floors. I was sitting in a chair, and was drooling all over myself. It took a little bit for me to notice as I looked around the small space, and when I noticed, I jumped and tried wiping it off myself in disgust. I cant believe I did that.

I tried getting up but was still a little fatigued by the gem, so I quickly fell back to my chair and almost passed out again. There was only one door in the space, with outside the door were the sounds of talking.

I scooted my chair closer to the door to hear what they were saying. I recognized the voices as Garb and Sasha.

Garb: He doesnt remember how to use his war axe. That should work to get Flavo back.

Sasha: Yeah but doesnt it need to be like a shocking memory? If its just not remembering to use a weapon, thats not shocking. He knows about the sibling decay, how it got rid of all his skill. He probably already knows he used a war axe long ago, but forgot how to weild and use it.

Sasha sighed and slid down her chair slightly.

Sasha: It's hopeless. Flavo doesn't forget things. The royal siblings are dead, Garb, and I dont think the siblings' children will be better succesors than them. Flavos son doesn't know how to use a sword because Flavo was never there, and only his mother Terra would help. Forget it, Garb. Flavo is gone.

I backed away in my seat after hearing those words. Was there a way to get Flavo back? Or was he gone forever? I had to find out about Flavos past. There could be something important he forgot about. It's basically human nature to forget about something!

I got up from the chair and opened the door.

Garb: Sparley, excellent timing. Uh bad news, your friend is being... difficult.

Garb looked the opposite direction of me to reveal another door, with inside containing an unconscious Flavo, still mind controlled, and not himself.

Were Garb and Sasha helping me?

Sparley: I've heard it's gonna be difficult to get him to remember forgotten things since he never forgets.

I looked to the floor, like some force was about to kill me. If I can't get Flavo to remember a forgotten thing, then he is gone forever.

Garb: There is one way we can get some Flavo memories that might work. The gold stash Daren owns. It contains paintings, notes, letters, you name it. All connecting to the royal siblings. Some even have information about the original creator of Static Champions.

I got up from my seat and saw a map at the wall. I read it and now knew I was south of Darens kingdom.

Sparley: I thought you guys worked for Daren?

Sasha scratched the back of her neck.

Sasha: Yeah well, that ship has sailed quicker than it started. When we first started helping people, it was not by force until Daren enforced it. Us and Daren used to be friends until he found out about monsters dropping box bux. He was overflowing with greed. He bossed us around and forcefully trained people in hopes they would join him, but they didnt. So he discovered a new magic and turned the trained people into super troops basically. We've not been friends ever since.

Sasha put her back to the wall and crossed her shoulders. Garb held a strange glowing ball of some kind and slammed it onto the ground, summoning David.

Sparley: There's an item for summoning David?

Garb: Yes, although usually he teleports himself when I say, "I want to spend some box bux."

Garb looked through David's trades and put his eyes on a dark set of armor and tools called darksite. He bought the full set and sword and then held them out to me.

Sparley: Wait what? Your giving that to me?!

Garb: Yes, and for a good reason.

Sparley: But don't you need stronger armor too?

Garb: Nope, I have good stats.

I reluctantly grabbed the armor and put it on. Then I threw my emerald gear at the door entrance to Flavos room, so when Flavo was better, he could upgrade from gold. Then I turned to Garb.

Garb turned away from me and bought 10 mage troops from David, which costed 2500 box bux every mage troop. Then, he bought a giant troop, costing 5000 box bux.

Garb then looked at me as the mages and giant summoned behind him.

Garb: Never seen mage troops and giant troops before?

I shrugged as Sasha stopped Garb.

Sasha: Stop bragging Garb, we gotta break into Darens kingdom, remember?

Garb kept the act as he pointed at me like that one american poster.

Garb: Oh yeahhh. Sparley, we want YOU to break into Darens vault.

Garb chuckled, and I checked how much darksite costed per piece.


Sparley: Garb, are you mental bruv, because you just gave me armor that is 300 thousand box bux A piece!

Garb: Oh that was not as hard to get as you think.

Garb flicked a lever, and that made a wall reveal a set of stairs leading deeper underground. As we went down, I was shocked to see a large pit with summoner troops on pillars, that summoned speed, strength, and health monsters, and those monsters were killed by archer troops from above.

Garb: I mean some of the box bux I got was also stealing from Daren, but this is what gives me most of my currency. Imagine if this had troop monsters too!

Garb went deeper down the stairs, and below the spawning platform, was a chest that stored all the drops. I took a peek and saw hundreds of thousands of box bux being collected and put into the chest. There was also tons of strength, health, and speed crystals.

Sparley: How long has this farm been running?!

Garb: Only a few days. I also can just expand this farm as much as I want!

Garb grabbed a hundred thousand box bux from the chest and immediately threw them in my face for fun. He threw them at Sasha shortly after, in which Sasha took more from the chest and threw them at Garb like a snowball fight.

How you know someone is rich is when they literally throw their money at things.

When they stopped, there were thousands of box bux on the ground.

Garb: Pick up as much as you need. We fight Daren tommorow and break into his vault.

My jaw dropped with glee as I got to the ground collecting all the thrown box bux.

Sparley: Am I also able to use some strength and health crystals?

Garb nodded, and I grabbed 5 strength and health crystals. As I broke them, I awed at the energy going into me. I nodded goodnight to Garb and Sasha, for it was literally nighttime. Today was like a rollercoaster. I needed some flippin sleep bruh.

Static ChampionsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ