Meet with Kore?

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Sparley Stats
Health 110000
Strength 30000
Speed 25000
Equip: Dark steel sword and armor

Flavo stats
Health 95000
Strength 28000
Speed 60000
Equip: Blood steel sword and armor

Garb stats
Health 70000
Strength 17000
Speed 49000
Equip: Rubium sword and armor

Sasha stats
Health 80000
Strength 20000
Speed 50000
Equip: Rubium sword and armor

Sparley: Flavo, if something happened 40 seconds ago, I swear I was just trying to get you back, ok?

I nervously fiddled with my thumbs as Flavo scratched his chin like he knew exactly what happened. Then he picked up Darens blood steel armor and equipped it.

Flavo: Ok, I get that.

Flavo then looked like he was hit with a gigantic realization.

Flavo: My wife, my kids! How do I get to them?!

Garb: Don't worry I read about something of communication devices. They cost like 100 thousand box bux.

Garb pulled out some box bux and Flavo leaped forward and grabbed them like an animal, then David teleported right in front of them.

David: Wanting a divorce I see.

Flavo: Nuh uh!

Flavo immediately bought a communication device and rang up Terra's number. Then a voice started sounding.

Terra: Hello?

Flavo: Terra, oh boy, h-hi, I missed you.

Terra: Flavo? It's been a year, why haven't you answered any of my calls?

Flavo: Ohhh, well... I made a mistake, I didn't answer your calls since I was scared I messed up, and I'm sorry. I thought since I was weaker, you wouldn't accept me. Please forgive me.

Terra: No.

Flavo: W-wait, what?

Terra: It's a no, I don't accept your apology. You are an idiot if you'd think I would forgive you. We are divorced already, I signed the papers. Goodbye Flavo.

Terra then hung up, and I watched as Flavo dropped the phone and stared at the ground blankly.

Flavo: Oh, well frick. That sucks.

Then Flavo raised his arms at us.

Flavo: Welp, I'm divorced, frick.

David sipped on coffee as he watched.

David: Up top man, you got divorced.

David raised his hand, and Flavo didn't slap it.

David: What, you mad or something?

Flavo: I'm just... doesn't usually in situations like these the wife forgives?

David: Those are movies dude.

Garb: I think it's time we go wherever home is at. Me and Sasha are moving out of the bunker and we probably want to live with you guys for a while if you guys are ok?

Flavo: S-s-sure. I'm never seeing my kid again.

Flavo died on the inside a little bit as I gathered Darren's box bux. 1 MILLION!

Sparley: dudes, this dude just dropped so much box bux!

We all celebrated in our own unique way as we walked back to the fortress. It's been so long.

Sparley: Also guys, why was one moment me, Garb, and Sasha were in a treasure room, that instantly turned into me trying to hang you guys?

Sasha: Oh your gonna hate this thing I'm gonna tell you...

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