The Funky Cauldron

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Sparley stats
Health 145000
Strength 41000
Speed 45000
Equip: Darksteel sword and armor

Flavo stats
Health 130000
Strength 40000
Speed 78000
Equip: Bloodsteel sword and armor

Garb stats
Health 89000
Strength 16000
Speed 59000
Equip: Rubium sword and armor

Sasha stats
Health 100000
Strength 38000
Speed 65000
Equip: Rubium sword and armor

Tommorow, we went back to Kore after completing a few more quests for him. Kore gave a sigh before telling them their next quest.

Kore: Now, I need to speak to Mr. Dead. It's none of your business, but also it is your business since Mr dead doesn't wander these lands anymore every since he created his own dimension, so I need you guys to go talk to Mr. Deads followers, Steven, a chaos giant. Do his questline, then try getting the ingredients to construct the portal.

We all nodded and headed off towards the direction of our deads biome, since Kore said Steven was found inside a deads biome.

As we walked, I talked with mostly Flavo the whole time, sometimes playfully nudging him at his remarks, growing a bigger connection to him. Growing... closer to him.

As we walked, we saw Steven sitting down next to a destroyed portal, looking at us like he was expecting us.

Steven: Who are you guys? Huh, whats this about some guy named Kore wanting to talk to Mr. Dead? If you want the paper, you have to do 3 of my quests, got that?

We all nodded at his long rant and he continued.

Steven: Okay good, now first, here's this whoopee cushion, go prank David with it.

All of us looked at eachother as David summoned himself right behind us.

David: What up boiiiiiis!

David jumped off his stand and we quickly hid the whoopee cushion in my pocket.

As Flavo, Garb, and Sasha tried distracting David, I quickly put the whoopee cushion on David's seat.

When David was done talking to them, he sat on the whoopee cushion, the sound made him realize what they were doing.

David: :/

We all slightly laughed at David's face before talking to Steven.


Garb: Are you kidding me?!

"A few minutes later"

Steven: HAHAAHHAHHAHAHHAHAH WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO FRICKEN FUNNY. OKAY okay, you completed this, now my last quest, kill 280 deads.

We all looked at eachother before looking around our dead biome at the incoming deads. David went poof as we started fighting the undead again.

As we headed back to Steven, Flavo grunted.

Flavo: I remember doing these quests with my brothers, it was... pain.

Flavo slouched next to me as we handed in the last quest of Steven

Steven: Okay okay, now have this paper, you earned it. If David finds you, then this exchange never happened.

Steven nodded as he gave us a paper, and then gave each of us an arknight troop and 5 dead troops.

Flavo grinned as I contemplated how useless of a quest reward this was.

Sparley: How much are arknight troops in David's shop Flavo? Also what was the costs of a dead troop?

Flavo: An arknight troop is 1800 box bux, and a dead troop Costs 250 box bux. So yeah, this quest was only for the paper.

As we headed back to the fortress, we decided to take a break and leave Garb to complete most of Kores quests, since he seems more siked about Kore than any of us. As we were walking, Flavo nudged me playfully randomely.

Flavo: Whoops, looks like I tripped?

I chuckled and nudged him too.

Sparley: Ahh man I also tripped!

Flavo laughed more than I did and playfully pushed me again. We did this all the way back to the fortress.

The next day I headed out with Flavo and Sasha in search of pine forests, for an enemy Flavo knows as funky cultists. He says they are pretty useful in getting something he likes a ton called the funky cauldron.

After a few hours, we reached a pine tree forest, which was gonna be where funky cultists are found.

Flavo: These guys should be pretty easy since we are wayyy too late for them to be a challenge. Let's just get their cauldron and go.

I nodded at Flavo as he looked at me the entire time, not even noticing Sasha was there. I knkw that doesn't matter, but it was getting pretty strange how he only seems to want to see me.

We ventured further until we ran into a purple and dark brown cabin, with strange floating humans with purple robes wandering around the cabin.

Flavo smirked as he pulled out a dark steel bow and gave it to me. I raised an eyebrow from the random bow.

Flavo: Okay, Sparley, you know the archery stat?

I raised my eyebrow further in confusion.

Flavo: Okay cool. Archery is very important for everyday killing since you need a ranged and melee weapon at all times. Just aim the bow at the cultists.

Flavo held my dark steel bow as an arrow appear from nowhere and in my hand. I charged the bow and aimed, and eventually I shot at one of the cultists, only doing barely any damage, less than 100. The cultist noticed me.

Flavo: eh you will get the hang of it eventually. Let's start reaping on these cultists!

A few hours later of straight cultist killing, and we finally found the thing Flavo was looking for. He picked up a yellowish-greyish cauldron out of one of the funky cultists and held it out in the air for everyone to see.

Flavo: The plebian cauldron, the first of the funky cauldron! We are gonna get so powerful from this!

Flavo glanced at me, looking like he thought I would be impressed, but he gave a blank expression as I yawned.

Sparley: Can we go now?

Sasha stabbed a cultist as she threw her arms in the air.

Sasha: Yeah, Flavo can we go? You already got the thing you wanted!

Flavo nodded as he carried the cauldron all the way back home. It was cute seeing him struggle to carry it sometimes. One time when he accidently dropped the cauldron, I picked it up for him.

Sparley: I-I bet you need a break Flavo.

Then I immediately dropped to the floor.

Sparley: Wow this thing is heavy!

Flavo picked it up as I got back to my feet.

Flavo: Yeah leave that to me next time.

We both laughed and gazed at eachother as we both carried the cauldron back to base. Sasha crossed her arms like she was being left out.

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