Blood Moon

1 0 0

Sparley stats
Strength: 4000
Health: 7600
Note: Health regen is 1% of health from now on.
Speed: 2655
Equipped: Iron blade

I watched as the undead started arising from the ground. I took a quick glance at the moon and saw something change with it. It slowly started turning a shade of red, with a dark red outline around it.

I gasped as I remember what this event was from some of the times I played video games. A blood moon.

I saw as a whole ton of deads started arising. I could see outside the window, a new varient of dead arose. It was bloody red, with its face a bloody mess.

The dead walked faster, had 20000 health, and did 1000 damage.

I had 7600 health and 4000 strength, so this thing could kill me in about 8 hits.

A trickle of fear crept inside me as my feet trembled. It noticed me and ran at a fast speed.

The other zombies just walked. I swiped as the zombie pounced at me.

It tackled me down and aimed its teeth at my head. I blocked with my iron blade as it tried to continue.

It got annoyed and threw my sword out of my hands, which landed into a big horde of deads.

I pushed away its head with my hands as it grabbed onto me and teared at my tank top until eventually ripping most of the bottom off.

I pulled and punched until the dead dropped on me and stopped moving. I weakly pushed the dead off of me until I saw lots of deads breaking through the wood and cracking the boards, until the boards fell, and all i could see was deads.

I got back up and punched a few deads until I reached and grabbed my sword. I slashed at the deads, realizing how many there were.

Eventually, I killed all of the ones that were in what was left of the fort. I took a minute to stop and regenerate my health, seeing more were breaking into the fort.

I continued killing them, doing a couple of kicks, hits with the hilt when convenient, and slicing heads for the slight entertainment of them bouncing off a couple of other deads.

When I killed a lot more deads, I saw another one of those things. It's bloody presence started haunting me and my safety.

It ran again, and this time, I approached it differently. When it pounced, I slid to the left, making it fall to the ground.

I got the chance to hit it once before it got back up and took another try. It tackled me back down, but I managed to get 2 more hits.

The dead then enraged and brought its hands together on top of me. It roared before slamming them on me.

3000 damage.

I screamed and stabbed the chest of the bloody dead, killing it. I panted and got up, feeling dizzy and pained. The deads kept coming.

Even though box bux was everywhere on the floor, the deads barely made me able to see them.

I took a deep breath and kept fighting. My troops kept dying and respawning, so they weren't very helpful. The sword troop that trained a little lasted slightly longer than the others.

I saw the clouds cover the blood moon, seeming to weaken the bloody deads. I was able to kill a bloody dead in two hits because of their weakened state.

I felt relieved until the clouds didn't cover the blood moon anymore, and the bloody deads were back at their state. Two more bloody deads rose right next to me and tackled me down immediately.

I struggled in their grasp as one hit down on my face, and the other bit my arm. I yelled as I stabbed my sword into one of the deads heads and kicked the others' knees.

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