Just Good Old Building From The Evolving Horde

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Sparley stats
Health: 18000
Strength: 6000
Speed: 5000
Equipped: Emerald sword and armor

Flavo stats
Health: 25000
Strength: 8000
Speed: 15000
Equipped: Gold sword and armor

The sun beat down on us as we rebuilt my wooden fortress. This time I was rich enough to get a bunch of stone and upgrade it to a stone fortress.

Hopefully no deads can break it down now.

I kept 25 or so archer troops with me, but put the rest to be stationary at the windows of the fortress, shooting down any deads that get close.

David told me a kill for a troop will give them stats and automatically give me the box bux, so I didn't have to worry about stopping my archer troops for them to train.

Once the fortress was kinda complete, I sat down inside the fortress and just watched as my archer troops shot down incoming deads, giving slight entertainment and some box bux.

Flavo appeared from the upper floor of the stone fortress. He spent some of his box bux for stone too. Hopefully this stone fort doesn't go too quickly like the wooden one.

Flavo: Are we done with the fortress?

I nodded as I crossed my legs, and put them on the stone table I made.

Sparley: Yep. Although we will soon need to expand. These walls won't last forever due to the ever improving horde. Also Flavo, do you have any ideas of how this world came to be? Also do you know if there is any way out? I miss my family back in the normal world.

I was so mesmerized by this new world that it blinded me of how to leave and if i'm ever able to see my family again. I couldn't believe I was questioning this now, and not earlier. Was this world making me never want to leave?

Flavo crossed his shoulders and frowned at me like what he was about to say was bad news.

Flavo: Umm well... how do I say this... There is no way back to the other world. This world was built for people who die in the normal world. So when a normal person dies, they end up here. How this world was created... that's a whole different chasm of caves to explain.

Flavo sat at the separate stone couch across from me.

If what Flavo was saying was true, then I will never see my family again. Not until my family dies or the world ends, and those both could be in a long time.

My realization was interrupted by another realization that the couches were made of solid stone, so they weren't that comfortable.

Sparley: Wait, why did we make stone couches?

Flavo shrugged and got off the hard uncomfortable couch.

Flavo: I don't know. Should we get normal couches?

I nodded very expectantly, and David appeared right behind me, behind the couch. I jumped when I noticed him.

Sparley: David, could you stop appearing in weird places? You scared me half to death. I'm gonna get a heart attack soon because of you.

David: Ummmmmm, no. A heart attack is barely even possible in this world, bruv. Last I checked, the creators of this world didn't know what heart attacks were back in the day, so when they edited the humans stats and stuff like that, they left out "Can have a heart attack" Ye.

David gave a smug look at me and held an entire regular couch in his hands.

David: Ya want this?

Flavo shrugged again and bought 2 couches from David. It turns out couches are pretty cheap for such a big thing.

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