Everything Left Behind

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March 17, 2016

I awoke from my bed, very groggy as per usual. My dad barged into my room and did the usual.

Brian: Sparley, wake up. You've been asleep for 10 more minutes than your alarm said.

My alarm never works in the morning, probably because it looks so torn and worn out by its age and how I have been breaking with my fists every time it runs. I fell out of bed, wishing I had gone to bed earlier.

My dad left me to myself when I fell out. I put on my usual clothing, a purple short sleeved T-shirt and dark blue shorts were all I could decide on. It was blazing outside, I thought the climate had been pretty weird at where I lived, Evanston Wyoming.

Everything has been getting so hot. If i put on something that is slightly longer than short sleeves, I would melt out there. I could barely remember the last time it was raining.

It was springtime, and winter had barely any snow. Just last year, it was relatively normal until the fall hit. I picked up my phone, and as I exited out my door and to the dining room, I grabbed a box of cheerios at the top of the fridge. Even though there were other sugary cereal on the fridge, my instinct is to just grab the cheerios.

I glanced over at the living room to the TV. There were going to be no clouds this week! I poured the cheerios into the bowl and got out the milk to pour on the bowl.

As I ate, I scrolled through YouTube on my phone, the only source of entertainment for me, for the outside was too unbearable.

When I finished my cheerios, I got up and finished getting ready, getting my backpack, and brushing my long dark hair to not look like a mess.

I got into my dad's worn and torn car, from all the kids next to our house messing with it. I keep insisting on my dad to tell their parents about them, but he seems too scared to do it.

Anyway, my dad entered the car, and as soon as I knew it, I was in my classroom and wiping my head in sweat from no air conditioning. My friend Sailem came up to me and said jokingly.

Sailem: Bruh, you look like you are sweating like a dog.

Sparley: Who knows, the weather here is like Africa.

I rested my head on the seat as the teacher gave instructions. When he was finished, he gave me an annoyed look.

Teacher: Did you get all that, Sparley?

My head jumped from my desk.

Sparley: Y-yeah.

At lunch, I usually chill next to my friends, Eli, Sailem, and Elma. I sat down at our table and immediately set my head on it.

Eli: Bruh Sparley is about to get a fricken heat stroke.

Eli said jokingly.

Sparley: "Groan" This school year has been way too hot. This place needs to get some air conditioning for once man.

What I mean by there was no air conditioning was all air conditioning broke. Ever since winter, the air conditioning was broken by a couple of seniors.

The school, I guess, was too lazy to get new ones. I raised my head and sat straight, until one of the annoying boys from the table next to us glanced at me, in which I lowered my head immediately like they were a hitman.

Sparley: Ugh, could tomorrow we switch tables so we aren't so damn close to Carson and the other weird boys?

Elma: Bruv, Carson is probably never going to get over you. He has been eyeing you since 7th grade.

I was a junior in my high school, and getting together with Carson was like a nightmare to me. Carson was a junior, too, and always eyed me when I was nearby or in view.

I always tried getting away from him. Heck, I even tried changing classes so I could see him less. He always said I was too good looking to get away from, but I think that was only an excuse to keep looking at me. I always avoided eye contact and conversation with him.

Sparley: I wish he could stop. It feels obvious that I don't want to date him. That's exactly why I think we should move tables.

Elma: Good call, I think Cobra has started to eye me.

We all gathered up our trays and moved 3 tables away from Carson and the others. I was relieved not to have to hide myself when he took a sudden glanced at me.

After school, we all had to check out for the night. I walked back home, which was about 1 and a half miles away from the high school. My high school was on a hill and had a church next to it. When I made it home, I hurried upstairs to my room and turned on my TV. I put on my purple hoodie since in the afternoon it wasn't so hot, but I was sweating a little bit in the hoodie. I spent an ungodly amount of time going through video after video, and I took a quick look outside to see the time outside. It was getting dark, and I widened my eyes at the sudden rainfall outside. Rainfall hasn't appeared in almost 3 months, and I was stoked about it. Maybe the days would stop being so hot. An hour later of me starting to get bored of YouTube, I glanced outside and saw the winds and rain had picked up. I was confused. The weather said no clouds were going to appear, and there they are. The clouds were starting to turn black, and lightning could be heard in the distance. I then heard dripping coming from my room. I looked up and saw rain drops falling from the ceiling. I sighed and grabbed some duct tape. I don't know what my mind was thinking, but I patched up the hole. I unpaused the video but then heard more drops. I looked and saw an entire gaping hole in the ceiling, with rain going everywhere. That hole was too big to be covered by ductape. I ran downstairs and saw my dad was nowhere to be seen. I then realized my dad was in a meeting and slapped my head. I searched through the basement and closets for tools, but it looks like they vanished. I went back up and saw the hole was larger, and the rain was picking up more. I looked through the hole and saw a toolkit was on top of the house. I crouched down and sprang up with my legs, grabbing onto the hole. I got up and saw the attic was filled with water. I saw the toolbox was above that. I couldn't grab onto the roof. It was too high. I opened up the windows and sighed in slight fear as I slipped my legs and hands outside and onto the roof. I hung onto the side of the window, keeping my balance and making sure I didn't fall down. I took off my shows and socks, for they caused me to slip more. I threw them back into my room and continued barefoot. I walked up slowly and held onto the nearest support, I could see the toolbox, just a few more feet higher. I then questioned why the toolbox was on the roof? The rain picked up more, I could barely see what was going on. I accidentally slipped halfway and cut my arm on the floor of the roof. I tried ignoring the bleeding as I got back up and continued. Eventually, I made it to a toolbox, but then I heard sudden splashes of lighting, as a beam of light immediately struck the ground of the house, right next to me. I felt my skin burn off, and my skull was on fire as I fell off the roof. I felt my life flash before my eyes until I hit the ground, and everything went dark.

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