A broken wing (p2)

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I went crazy with the pet names because I think it's cute, sue me.

Grian pov:

It had been around 2 weeks since I broke my wing and what i had learned so far is that humans and elf's and all the non-winged creatures on this server must want wings so badly, well they have elytra but those aren't the same as real wings. It only occurs to you how mush you rely on something when it's taken from you I suppose.

It was early in the morning, I was just staring at the ceiling of Larry's shell waiting for scar to wake up. It hurt too much to move or do must things so all I could do was sit there and daydream.

"Hey Birdie, whatcha looking at?" Scar asked sleepily.

"Don't know." I said blankly.

"How about we get some fresh air and go on a walk today, I can show you around the forest floor!" Scar said smiling at me.

"Yeah that sounds nice." I said with a small smile.

"Alright wanna get up now or in a little?" Scar asked.

"I want cuddles right now, everything hurts and I'm sleepy but I can't sleep." I said closing my eyes.

I felt scar move across the bed and snuggle up to me, his hand went into my hair and he leans down to kiss my forehead gently.

"I love you songbird, you're so beautiful and sweet and handsome." he whispered quietly to me still doting my forehead with kisses. I felt myself drift back to sleep as he continued to murmur compliments and how much he loved me, etc.

I don't deserve scar, he knows exactly what I need and how to make me happy but i suck at doing it in return. I'm always the hurt one, the one that needs help, I don't want to be a burden but I know I am one. Though scar was there my sleep was restless and full of memories of a life before hermit craft. When I woke he was still there but now asleep himself.

"I don't deserve you." I muttered to him feeling my eyes watering with tears I was holding back.

"Shhh." He whispered softly trying to calm me down in his still half asleep state.

"Your to nice to me why aren't you ever mean?" I said, mostly to myself.

"Because, I'm only mean when I have to be, I don't like being mean and much more I like comforting you. It makes me happy to see you happy songbird." He said now more awake.

"That only proves my point, you should be with someone who needs protection and all of this love you give me. Why aren't you?" I asked snuggling up to him more.

"I hate to break it to you Birdie but you do need this, you don't like being taken care of as much as I like taking care of you but you still need this." scar said running his hands through my hair.

"And besides, I love you and I literally can't imagine life without you." Scar said.

"Ughhh I love you too you wholesome elf boy." I said with an eye roll.

"Where is this sass coming from Songbird?" He said looking me in the eyes and smirking.

"You're being sappy and it's making me sick." I said sarcastically.

"Hmmm well how about we get dressed and go on that walk I told you we should go on?"

"Sure." I got up from the bed, I was sleeping in a baggy white shirt black shorts he had given me that were a little too big. Scar handed me my comfort sweater, the one I wore every wear, and a pair of dark gray sweatpants he supplied.
I got dressed while he waited outside as to give me privacy. When I was done I went outside to find scar.

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