Grian's pets :D

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(This takes place in a au where grian is new in town and doesn't have many friends and they're both in high school. Not very important to the story but this helps clear any questions)

(Tw: there a curse word)

Grian pov:

"Scar is gonna be here like any minute now! I don't have time to feed you guys!" I said angrily to the pesky bird that was scowling at me from its cage.

"Ughh ok but only because I love you guys." I went into the kitchen and grabbed the bird food I had under the counter. I walked back into the living room where the bird cage was and opened it.

"Ack! Get back in there it's not play time!" I yelped as all of the parrots flew out.

Just then I heard knocks at the door and rushed over to it.

"Shit." I growled quietly then opened the door.

Scar pov:

I was in the middle of knocking the door and all most hit grian on the head when he opened it.
I could hear bird noises from the house and looked over grian to see the commotion  was.

"All my birds just got loose so please come in quick so they don't get out." Grian said, he looked annoyed.

"You have birds?" I said as I walked in.

"Yep, 9 pesky birds." He said groaning.

He was not lieing there were 9 different birds making a mess in his living room.

"Do you want help getting them back in there cage?" I asked and turned to look at him.

"That would be helpful but you don't have to." He said and smiled at me.
We had been friends for a while now and I had massive crush on him. He's smile lit a fire in my heart and I grind back at him.

"It's fine I'll help." I said and walked over to one of the birds picking it up gently.

"Where did you learn how to hold birds?" Grian asked as we got the parrots back safely in to cage.

"Jimmy had one when we were younger and he was the one to teach me. My mom used to have chickens but the care for chickens is very different." As I spoke I saw that Grian was starring at me.

"Uhhh what?" I asked with a tilt of my head.

He reached out and grabbed one of my hands. I blushed a little from his touch.

"I didn't know you had any animals. Do you have any other pets?" Grian was smiling at me brightly.

"Yeah I have a cat named Jellie and if you count it I feed the stray cats and the birds in my neighborhood."

"That's amazing! I wish I had more friends who liked animals."

We got the last birds back into the cage.

"Do you want to come upstairs? I think Pearl and Maui would want to meet you." He said taking my hand and pulling me after him gently.

"Pearl and Maui?" I asked

"My cats!" He grinned at me and I grinned back blushing. His blue eyes had such a beautiful way of shining when the light hit them and his smile was so happy. Gosh I love him, I love his face, and his hair, and his heart, and his soul and his- well his everything!

He opened the door to his bedroom and two pretty cats stepped out meowing at me and him.

"Awwwwwww! Gri there adorable!"

"Ha! I knew you'd love them!" He said as I crouched down to pet the cats.

"I would sell my soul for you yes I would ohh yes I would!" I said in a baby voice to the two kittens.

"Gosh he's cute." I heard grian mutter.

"Hmm? What did you say?" I said confused.

"Nothing!" He yelped.

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