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(This could be in any season and they're boyfriends I felt like writing something cute so here)

Scar pov:

I walked into my base and saw Grian asleep in an armchair. His face was cushioned on his shoulder and he looked like he had been waiting for me to get home, only to fall asleep.

I walked over to the short avian and leaned down to kiss his forehead.

"Hey there song bird, why aren't you in your base?" I said softy in as to not freak him out but also wake him up.

"Wanted to see you..." he said and opened his eyes a little gazing up at me. He yawned and I almost died with how cute it was.

"Do you even realize how adorable you are?" I teased him, giggling.

"I'm not cute!" He immediately woke up and snapped at me.

"Yes you are."

"No im not!"

"You soooo are."

"I'm not going to dignify this conversation with my attention anymore." He said pouting.

"Hmm well I guess that means you don't want to bake cookies then? I said with a fake sigh.

"No no no! I want cookies! Gib cookies!" He said with bright eyes.

"Alright then." I picked the little avian up bridal style.

"Ack! Scar put me down!" He yelped.

"You have to help me make the cookies before you can have them birdie. I won't drop you." I said laughing softly. I put him on the counter and went to the refrigerator to get the ingredients. Grian hopped down from the counter and went to get the mixer and bowl and stuff.
I grabbed the cook book with all of the recipes I had made in it. Grian imminently flipped to the chocolate chip cookie recipe.

"Grian, remember what happened the last time you had chocolate?" I said frowning at him.

"Ughhhh, I got sick and you had to bring me to the hospital."


"And Xisuma screamed for like a hour about how I should tell him about dumb avian things."

"It's not dumb that you can't have chocolate, it's just that it's poison to birds." I booped his nose and he scowled at me.

"How about we just make a different kind?" I said.

"how about sugar cookies?" He said after turning some of the pages.

"Great idea Gri." We baked the cookies then Grian fell asleep again, this time on the couch with Jellie. I woke him up when they were done and we ate.
I fell asleep in my room to the sound of rain beginning outside and Grian's soft breath again my chest as I held him.

"I love you." I said softly

"I love you too"

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