Run aways

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In this one scar is a prince and grian is his forbidden romance they're also already dating. Sorry if I made this one a little long

Scar pov:

My father was the king, my mother was the queen. By all means I should be ashamed for loving grian, an outsider an outcast.  Somebody who my father would call scum. Grian had even stolen from the palace on many occasions!

But I DID love Grian, he is my world.
I was just been siting in my room, looking out the window at the kingdom. When all of a sudden I heard shouts and yells, in a voice I knew very well. One thought shot through my head, that's Grians yell. I ran down the stairs and out of the palace to wear there were guards gathered around my lover.

"GRIAN!" I yelled as one of the guards locked hand cuffs around his hands.

"What is the meaning of this?!? Let go of him!" As I yelled the guard looked at me confused

"B-but he is a criminal he just tried to break into your chambers? Don't you want him in jail?" The guard replied in a confused and awkward manner.

"He- he what?" I looked over at grian who had his head down in shame.

"Why would he do that? Gri- I mean umm, who are you and what do you need with me?" I had almost said his name! I'm an idiot! Gosh I hope that the guards didn't hear that!

"I-I umm I needed to ummm..." I could see grian was trying to think of a lie which means that the truth is not something the guards could know.

"I... I needed to tell you... ummm... that- n-never mind your highness" Grian said, I could see he was blushing a bit in embarrassment.

"Well then umm I will take him from you and umm bring him to the prisons where I'll umm lock him up...I think" I was attempting to sound demanding but failing miserably in the process. Thankfully my attempts at being commanding were good enough and the guards handed me the chain that was attached to Grians hand cuffs.

I muttered "sorry about this" only loud enough for Grian to hear me and pulled the chain to move him along. Grian followed me until we got out of the sight of any onlookers.

"Here" I said undoing the hand cuffs and kissing Grian on the forehead lightly.

"Thanks I was sure I was going to be executed by your guards!" He said in a mildly distressed tone.

"You know I would NEVER let that happen. What did you want to tell me that warranted breaking into the palace in the first place?" I asked worriedly

"My father found out about us he said he would tell the king if I met you again and I just- I needed to see you" Grian sounded like he had forgotten until now why he was here and now was panicking.

"How did your father find out?!? We were so careful!" I cried out. He quickly shushed me with his hand and looked around to see if I had alerted anyone, I hadn't thankfully.

"He was found this" Grian pulled a small drawing of scar out of his pocket and handed it to me. It had a small note on the back reading:

My love,

The flowers in my yard, lilac and poppy, remind me of you, how they smell and how they dance in the wind. Their beauty and grace can't be summed up with words and neither can yours.


"It didn't take him much time to put one and one together that this letter was meant for the person who was drawn on it" he said with a sigh.

"Grian, we need to go then if your father is on his way then we mush go now! I don't need to pack." I said fiddling with my hair.

"Scar, I can't ask you to do that, you can't Run away with me! You have a bright future and I just wanted to see you one last time!" He sounded mad but I knew he just wanted me to be happy.

"My future will not be happy if you're not in it! You're my soulmate Gri!" I took his hand in mine and pulled him closer to me.
Grian looked at me sorrowfully.

"Scar... I will not bring you willingly into danger. I won't be able to live with myself if you get hurt and it's my fault" I could see tears welling up in his eyes as he spoke. I reached out to wipe the tears from his face as they to fall in silence.

"Gri if you leave without me, I'll follow you. If I get hurt it will be my fault and much more it will be a problem for the idiot that got in the way of us." I said in attempts to calm him down .

"Ugh- scar! Why do you always have to be perfect and beautiful and the voice of reason! I think I should get to be at least one of those?!?" He said with a laugh.

"You are beautiful!" I said and kissed his forehead again, He blushed a little.

"Alright so let's go then." Grian said.

(Time skip because I'm cool like that)

Me and Grian were almost outside the city gates. it had taken what felt like a century to get even this far though that's just because of  how slow they had to move as to not be spotted.

"All we have to do is sneak past the guards and we will be free to leave" Grian said in a whisper.

"How do we do that?" I asked matching his tone of voice.

"Well you're the prince, they literally have to listen to you no matter what? I think?" He said as if even he was not sure.

"I have never ordered people to do things before?!? How am I meant to do this, you're the clever one!" I said still whispering.

"I believe in you Scar." Grian said.

I took a deep breath in and stepped into the guard's view.

"H-hello I ummm I order you to go on break and... ummmm take a nap?" I was attempting to sound fierce and commanding, I think what I got was scared and trembling.

"Hey- your the prince right? I don't think I have ever seen you this close to the gates before? I should take you back to the palace your father must be worried." The guard said looking at the one next to her.

I panicked she was going to bring me back and I'd not be able to go with grian! And he would die out there in the wild alone! And there's nothing I can do-

My thoughts came to a sudden stop as grian ran forward grabbed my hand and shoved the guard out of the way pulling me with him.

"RUN SCAR!" He shouted as we fled.

The guards were on our tail, but it seemed they had gone back to get a search party to look for us after a while of chasing.

We got to a big forest only about half a mile away from the city when we stopped to breath.

"I- I can't believe we just did that!" I said with a laugh.

"Nether can I! We should keep going though" Grian said in a more serious tone.

"Ok" I said.

We walked until the sun set and the moon was high in the sky.

"I think we should stop here for the night." I said pointing at a tree with low branches that we could sit under comfortably.

"Alright" Grian said nodding.

We curled up under the tree and leaned against each other. It didn't take long to fall asleep.

In the morning we kept walking and walking, only stopping to pick berries that Grian said were safe to eat. I didn't eat them though, Grian was an avian and could probably eat more wild things than an elf could.
Finally we reached something, out here in this wild land. A small community called "hermit craft"
We told the residents about our story and they welcomed us with open arms.

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