A cold desert night

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(This takes place in third life and is just light fluff)
Grian pov:

I was sitting wrapped in a blanket I had made from fabric scraps, looking blankly out at the desert sand. It was cold and even with the blanket I shivered. Sometimes one forgets that deserts are as cold as they are hot when it is night.

I heard a voice calling me from the house on top of the sandy hill

"Grian! It's cold out come inside! It's 12:00 you need sleep" Scar yelled out to me.

"Ok I'll be right there" I yelled back as I got up. I ran up to scar and he saw that I was shivering from the cold

"Why did you not come in earlier? You're freezing!" Scar asked worriedly

"I-I just got lost in thought and I didn't realize I was cold I guess? And it's nice out even if it's cold" I said softly as my teeth chattered from the temperature.

"Hmm well you need rest it's not healthy to get frostbite" scar said as he picked me up bridal style. I blushed a deep red color.

"Ack, scar put me down!" I yelled though it did feel nice to be held by him- no we're friends and that's not normal friend thoughts! I think?

"No way you need sleep and it's funny when I pick you up!" He said laughing. He brought me to my bed and put me down. I smiled and curled up under the blankets that were much more comfortable than the one outside.

"Thank you scar" I said drifting into sleep.
He sat down next to me and fidgeted with my hair it felt nice when he touched me even if it was just my blonde hair I made a small purring   Sound. (i head canon that grian purrs when he is really happy idk why) scar giggled softly.

"Do avians purr? Is that a thing?" He asked to himself. I felt sleep wrap its self around me pulling me into its depths as I yawned. I dreamt of scar and flowers and cacti in the desert sand and scar and scar and scar scar scar.

(Authors note: sorry if this is sort I will try to make one of these ever week or so)

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