Just kiss already -Scott probably

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High school au (but that's not important to the plot)  featuring match maker Scott :D

Scott pov:

"Grian? What are you doing here at this hour! It's 10:00 at night go to bed I can't hangout right now." I said wiping sleep from my eyes.

"It's important, remember how I told you that I was going over to scar's house after school?!?" Grian was fidgeting with one of his shed feathers, which I knew he only did when he was really stressed.

"Yeah? What happened?" I said ushering Grian into my house. I didn't need sleep as much as I needed the latest updates on like the school drama. Everyone knew Grian and scar had crushes on each other but were too dense to know the other liked them.

"Scar kissed me!!!" Grian was grinning and blushing. He looked like his head was in the clouds.

"ABOUT TIME." I said smiling for my friend.

"Do you think he likes me?-" I cut him off by jumping at him and shaking his shoulders.


"But he's scar? I'm still pretty sure he's straight. It's normal for straight people to kiss their friends right?"

"Grian you need to just confess, if he doesn't like you then pretend it was a joke or something. But I am absolutely sure he likes you." Grian was quiet for a second then began to speak.

"Could you maybe tell him?" He said looking away embarrassed.

"No Gri, I can't confess for you. It has to be you."

"But it's scary!" He whined.

"I know but you're just gonna do it."

"Ughhhhhh ok.... Can I do it over text?"

"No, you have to do it in person. I'll come with you."

"Right now?" He said.

"Yes it's romantic and scar is definitely still awake."

(Time skip to when they are near scar's house)

"Grian, after scar kissed you what did you do?" I asked as we neared the house.

"Umm I froze like a deer in head lights then ran away? It was surprising even if he asked ok?!?" He frowned at me.

"grian you are not good at this."

"I know."

I walked up to the door and knocked. The door creaked open and I saw Scar's eyes from the other side looking at Grian.

"Grian has something he wants to say, but he wants to bring you somewhere better to say it." I said confidently.
Grian had in fact not said anything of the sort so he looked confused for a second before releasing what I was doing.

"Ok? Where are we going, I'm meant to be in bed right now so I'm in my pjs." Scar said and he stepped out of the house. He was wearing bunny slippers and baggy sweat pants with a tank top. I saw grian blushing out of the corner of my eye.
I began to lead grian and scar to the park, grian got the idea of where I was bring him and scar so he took the lead.
And soon we got there, an old willow tree with a picnic table under it. There were little fairy lights in the tree and the spring air smelled so fresh.
Grian and scar sat down and i disappeared into shadows to listen.

Scar pov:

Why did Grian bring me here? Cod I hope it doesn't have anything to do with me kissing him! I asked and he said yes? I should have just waited to see if he asked. Stupid stupid scar!

"So I've wanted to tell you something for awhile now." Grian said softly, his voice just a whisper.

"Y-yeah? What is it birdie?" Did I just call Grian the pet name I made in my head for him??
He smiled a little and reached for my hand.

"I- I know you probably don't feel the same but, I love you, And like in a umm not friend way I think." He blushed and pulled his hand away from mine.
I was quite for a second then fully processed what he had just said.

"I- I'm sorry I know you don't feel the same. I was joking I- you're my best friend! It's really normal for you to have kissed me and you're straight!" He got up and began to step back nervously.

I got up and ran to him. I hugged him and lifted him a little spinning him in the air.

"I love you too Grian! I thought you were straight! Gosh I feel stupid now!" I said laughing.

"I know that you're happy scar but put the pesky bird down before you break him." Scott said stepping out from the shadows.

"AHH- oh I forgot you were here Scott." I said.

I put Grian down, he took a deep breath in as if he hadn't been able to breathe. I looked at him and took his hands back in mine.

"I love you. I love you. It's nice to say it right?" Grian said and laughed.

"I've waited to long to say it." I said back giggling.

"So are we like... boyfriends now?" Grian said smiling hopefully.

"Yeah! Well if you want to be."

"I do." He said and stepped closer to me so there was no gap, just him leaning against me and holding my and his hands to my chest.

"You guys should kiss again." Scott said half jokingly. Grian moved his head closer to me so there was only a small gap between your lips.

"Do you want to?" He said softly so only I could hear.


Grian kissed me softly, only brushing his lips on mine. It was gentle and sweet to be this close to him. I'd waited for years for him to ask me out or for me have the courage to ask him, and now we are together. Gosh I love this man he's so kind to his friends and yet so funny and silly at times. I would go to the end of the world for him.

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