Grian you're not annoying

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(This is more angsty then anything else I have written so far)

Tw: panic attack and self hate

Scar pov:

I was going to the permit office AGAIN as I needed to chat with grian.

"Grian would you just make an exception for your handsome boyfriend? Just between you and me? I get the permit and you get to... umm get extra cuddles tonight?" I said as I leaned on the desk grian sat behind. He had his feet up and looked tired. His normal red jumper had been replaced by his green uniform.

"No scar, I don't make the rules so I can't make exceptions for my handsome boyfriend." He didn't look at me as he spoke instead checking his nails.

"But you do make the rules Gri you're literally the only employee here!" He just smiled at me as I spoke.

"Aww did I make you mad? That's pretty cute~" he looked me in the eyes as he spoke and I blushed from the tone of voice he used.

"Griannnn just can please have the permit? I don't know what you want from me! Please your being so annoying!" I scowled at him as I spoke. I knew I had hit a sensitive topic for grian right after I called him annoying.
Grian immediately dropped the act and I could see tears welling in his eyes.

"S-sorry Gri I didn't mean it!" I reached over the desk and grabbed his hands squeezed them gently.

"Is that true? Of course I fell for someone who hates me again!" I could tell grian was panicking.

"No no no, grian you are wonderful you are amazing and I love you. You are the most talented and beautiful person I know." I attempted to comfort him.

"I know you're lieing. scar I know you are lieing. Just say you hate me and leave. Just say it I'm used to it." I could feel my heart shattering with empathy for my short lover.

"No grian, I was mad and I forgot that that word was a trigger I'm sorry I'm not mad at you let me be clear." I said and squeezed his hands a little harder to help ground him.

"C-can I have a hug?" He asked as tears fell down his face.

"Yes you all ways can have hug if you need one." I walked over to his side of the desk and hugged him gently letting him cry into my shoulder.

"I don't need the permit right now I'm sorry that I said anything mean to you. You're not fragile and you're are strong and you're perfect and you are the most beautiful handsome person I've ever met grian." I said and pat his back carefully avoiding his wings as they're sensitive.

"Ok, the DHP is closed so you're not getting a permit anyway. Could we walk home together?" He said as he wiped the last tears from his eyes.

"Yeah your base or mine?"

"Mine, I need to fish."

"Gri, maybe you should take a break from fishing and nap? You could definitely use more sleep"

"Ughh you're right, your base it is then. I want to see Jellie!"

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