Chapter 30: Guardian Rising PT: 4

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The next morning when I had woken up, Cleo was still passed on out on the couch whereas I was awake and with a dull migraine from as a result of her homemade tequila. As I got up and hobbled my way to the bathroom I looked inside the medicine cabinet and grabbed the Acetaminophen, after I took a couple which I hoped that she didn't mind, I took a couple out for her before hobbling back into the living room. Once I had done that I put the cork back in the bottle that still had enough for a couple of drinks before going onto to grab her a glass of water. When that was out of the way I grabbed the waste bin from the kitchen and put it next to the couch before proceeding to makey way to the kitchen. But as I was passing by a window I glanced out and saw that the flower shop down the street was open. So I quickly hobbled my happy ass all the way there and grabbed a single red rose with the perfect size vase to put it in before hurrying back.

After I did and put the rose with a little bit of water in the vase, I set it on the coffee table in front of Cleo so that it would be the first thing she saw when she woke up before taking a peek inside her fridge.
"Okay let's see what we're working with here."
I said a loud before grabbing the eggs, the half block of Swiss cheese, olive oil, and the last couple of mushrooms left in the package. A little bit of olive oil in the skillet, a couple of tiny pinches worth of salt here, some minced mushrooms there, and a couple dashes of graded Swiss cheese later, I had prepared for her a French Omelette along with a spot of coffee.

And after I did all of that I left her a note, took the keys for each of the doors, and slid the key belonging to its respective door back under said door when I locked them behind me. Leaving her a note that said;

Eat and Drink me before I get cold!! :)


By the time I had gotten back to my place, Jinx, Ivy, Caitlin and Komand'r had all left for the day. Leaving only Harley who was still asleep, myself, and Leslie who just now noticed me coming.
"Soooo, did you two fuck or what?"
She asked as I couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha, no. We did tell each other our life stories, shed some tears, got drunk and ordered Chinese, then watched Xena: Warrior Princess until we both passed the fuck out."
I then went on to tell her all that I did prior to me leaving her place as I snagged a nugget from the stash of Chronic that I got from Reggie a couple nights ago and ground that up.
"You wanna smoke with me?"
I asked before I looked at her and saw that she was starring at me.

"Nothin, just that they don't make a whole lot of men like you anymore."
She said as she sat down next to me.
"I know I haven't said it a whole lot since I've been here, but I really do appreciate everything you've done for me since you took me in. I felt like I was about to go back to how I was until you came along. Also Harley told me everything about what you did for her down to the last detail and normally I'm not one to copyright, but I just wanted to say that your my hero too."
And then before I could even acknowledge what she said she smashed her lips against mine.

For whatever reason, that one part in the last song from Grease where John Travolta was singing about how the power your supplying is electrifying played in my head because I literally felt a rush of electricity course through my body in a pleasurable way. When she pulled away I was left looking at her in shock.
"Your welcome, Leslie."

We locked eyes for a moment or two before she gestured her eyes towards the weed.
"Do you want to roll up or should I?"
She asked as she had grabbed her phone.
"I'm starting to feel couped up though, why don't we head out and go somewhere?"
At first when she said this I stopped mid roll and looked at her.
"And before you say anything, I can disguise myself if people ask why the mask or whatever, I can just say that I have an unsightly skin condition. Honestly at this point making people think I'm ugly as sin is better than getting caught by the cops."

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