Chapter 26: Pillow Talk PT: 5 (🍋 Harley + Ivy 🍋)

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When I had woke up the next morning I was not only feeling that the well had run dry, but I was also feeling more rested than I had been in awhile. As I looked over to Jinx who was still snuggled up to me, she peacefully snoozed and shifted in her sleep.
"Thank you for last night, I needed that."
I whispered to her before planting a kiss on her forehead and sneaking my way out of her grasp. After I had put on a lazy day outfit, I went out to the living room and saw that everyone was still passed out.

Harley, Ivy, and Komand'r had taken to the couch as Caitlin and Leslie decided to share a bed. Although putting a couple of pillows in between them as a partition. I couldn't help but smile at this sight as then went into the kitchen and started making breakfast for everyone. Through the process of doing so I was still thinking about a plethora of things;

How was it that we were going to get Larissa back from the League of Assassins?

Figuring out the bullshit with my license and trying to find a new car on top of that. Work as well as keeping the lights on and the water running.

And just what in the fuck was the deal with this new gang that has taken to the streets of Gotham, and furthermore just what in the ass was up with their Slang? Shiv this and Spud that, motherfuckers better hope that Harley doesn't shiv her 44. Magnum up their asses. Let alone what the other girls could do to fuck them up. Strangely enough it was both horrible to think about as well as a sick turn on thinking about Harley doing something like that. She probably make a joke and say "Pop goes the Weasel" or maybe even beat them within an inch of their life like they were a pinata with her baseball bat.

As I thought of this happening I also began to think of what the other girls might do as well. Ivy might do something like turn them into some ugly lawn ornaments or maybe even turn them into some trees or whatever. Caitlin would turn them into bloody human popsicles as she saying do you want to build a snowman. Komand'r could easily fly them up into the stratosphere and watch the light slowly die in their eyes as they suffocate within the vacuum of space or even drop them from such a high altitude that they turn into a Jackson Pollock on the pavement. Jinx could slice them up like confetti or even use her powers to make them get hit by a bus or whatever else. Not to mention Leslie could probably and most likely string them up from the power lines and turn them into human Christmas lights.

All of these possibilities caused me to align my brain with my inner demon which brought a sinister smile to my face as I began to giggle like a madman.
"Oh fuck, what am I becoming?"
I muttered out loud to myself as I realized the thoughts that I was having.

"*Yaaaaaaawn* G'mornin Mista D."
Harley said with a sleepy tone as she walked into the kitchen, her hair in an absolute mess as she wore a pinkie pie t-shirt with underwear and nothing else, pulling me in for a loving kiss.
"What's fa breakfast?"
She groggily asked.

"Well, I'm not quite finished with everyone's food yet. But I just brewed a fresh pot of coffee and your birthday cake flavored creamer is on the door in the fridge."
She dragged her feet across the floor as she swayed her hips back and forth, proceeding to get her rocket fuel ready.

"Glad ya two had fun last night, we couldn't even fall asleep until after you were done puttin ya heels to Jesus."
She says as she gave me a lustful yet still sleepy look before slurping down her coffee.

"Thanks Harls."
I replied just as Ivy walked in.

"She's also a pathological liar."
She said.
"She said she wasn't going to drain you and yet that's exactly what she did."

I gave her a sly grin before giving her a kiss as well.
"You should know by now that there's plenty of me to go around."

Ivy being in a similar state as Harley simply shrugged before pouring herself a cup.
"Yeah, I know."
She gave me a sideways look which was the same as the one Harley gave me only a moment ago.

From Gotham with Love (Male OC x Fem Villain Harem)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora