Chapter 25: Pillow Talk PT: 4 (🍋 Jinx 🍋)

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It was needless to say that after the mini concert I was given the next few days off. What was me needing to recover and Cleo having to put in a truck order to stock back up on booze. However everyone was a bit surprised that I brought someone else home with me.
"So what can ya do?!"
Harley explained with excitement.

Leslie held her hands about a footlong apart as she channeled electricity in between them.
"I'm basically living energy at this point. I can distort electromagnetic fields, manipulate electrons in the air and focus them as you see me doing now, I can also travel within the electric currents running through power lines, phone cords, and so on. I can also mess with the electric impulses within people's minds."

Ivy then glanced over at me with a slight smile before turning her attention back to her.
"So Leslie, would you happen to have an alias?"
She asked, Leslie smiling in delight as she channeled a bit more electricity which caused a brief power surge.

"They call me Livewire!! And don't none of you forget it, hahaha!!"
She laughed before turning off the light show.

Caitlin then pursed her lips as she took a moment to think.
"Wait, if you're basically living energy then why would you need to eat and drink anything? I don't know it just seems like if that was the case then you could just drain electricity from any power source to sustain yourself."

Leslie grimaced when Caitlin said this.
"Let's just say that motherfucker Strange didn't just experiment with Venom for Waller."

When she said this everyone was shocked, pun intended of course.
"How did you..."
Jinx asked in surprise before she trailed off.

"Remember when I said that I can travel along electric currents? Doing so allows me hear and see pretty much everything within a certain distance. I just so happened to be tuning in just before you and that clown played Rock Em Sock Em all through Arkham. I couldn't stick around to help out other than with the subdermal explosives. Otherwise I would have gotten thrown right back in a cell once the show had ended."
Komand'r then decided to let her know of a couple things.

"We've worked with Batman in recent past for a couple of different reasons."
When she said this she looked like she felt as if she'd been stabbed.

She roared.

"My friend was killed by Joker, brought back to life by an ancient order of Assassins who want to burn the world down so they can save it. He was the one that went on a rampage and killed a whole bunch of mobsters a little while back. They also took the other girl that was living here against her will."
Once again Leslie was shocked.

"Damn, that's a nasty sound bite to swallow all at once... I'm sorry."
She shifted while standing in place as she put her hands in her pockets.
"But since you just said that you know Batman then I can't stick around. I don't know how you can with the fact that there's listening devices all over the building. Oh and before you ask, it's sort of my thing when it comes to this kind of stuff."

"I should have fucking knew it..."
I growled.

"Where are you going?"
Jinx asked as she skipped backwards.

"I'm going to have a little chat with our dear old Dark Knight."
I replied.

"Wait a minute, you all know who he is don't you?!"
Leslie exclaimed.

"Yeah, we sorta found out when Larissa got taken by the League of Assassins."
Harley explained while Leslie made an oh face.
"If I had ta guess, I would say they also know who he is seeing as how their boss wanted him to be his successor."

"Just be careful Bumgorf."
Komand'r says as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"No guarantees love."
I smiled and winked at her before walking out the door.

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