Chapter 29: Guardian Rising PT: 3

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By the time we had all gotten back, most of us we were understandably tired and wanted nothing more than to just get out of our suits. We had met back up with Batgirl and Robin on the roof of the apartment to tell them and everyone what had happened on our end. Ultimately we all agreed that the situation was still not taken care of quite yet before parting ways. As for me I was feeling like absolute dog shit when I found myself clutching the toilet while grinding my teeth in agony trying not to scream and cry between each torrent of vomit.

"I'll prepare some herbs and tea to help with the nausea and the migraine your sure to have hun. But as for the rest of your symptoms you sadly have to just deal."
Ivy said as she rubbed my back.
"I'm proud of you as we all are, but that Calcifyer really did you in. If I give you any other kind of pain killer it could make things worse."

I held up my finger as I puked once more.
"That's okay *blaaaargh*!! I'm done with heroics for the moment any *blaaaargh*...way."

Once I had fully emptied the entirety of my stomach, Blackfire had carried me off to bed. Harley made sure that I was tucked in before giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"Ya did great Mista D, ya really did."
She said.

"Heh, so did you. So did all of you, thanks for backing me up out there."
I say giving them all a weak smile as my phone started to ring.
"Ah fuck, it's my boss."
I hit the answer button and put the phone up to my ear.

"Oh my god Damien are you alright?! Everything that happened last night was crazy, I called Greg and Luis to make sure that they were okay but when I tried calling you and your roommates they never responded!! Also did you clean up before you left?"
Cleo asked as I sighed.

"Yeah I did, also I won't be able to come in today. On top of the fight that tore the bar apart I think I might have caught something."
Cleo sighed with worry when I told her this.

"Aww, I'm really sorry to hear that. Also you don't need to worry, I already figured that you weren't coming in anyway after what happened so I just marked you down for PTO as part of your promotion."
I had immediately perked up when she told me this.

"Don't you think it's a bit too soon for that? I'm not saying that I'm not grateful or anything but I only started working there a little while ago and it wouldn't be fair to Greg or Luis to be promoting me after they've worked there for so long."
Cleo had then let out a laugh.

"Hahaha, nonsense! I already told the both of them what happened and then Greg said and I quote, "He's a great guy honestly, though I like the hell behind the bar I can hold that shit down. What we need is a Bouncer like him instead of another bartender". So they're you have it, congrats!! I'll talk to you a little bit later about the raise and the change in uniform because I need to take a look at the old insurance to see what damages won't have to be payed out of pocket. Oh yeah, I know you said that your not feeling well but I need to get the keys from you. Anyway we can talk later about everything when I come to pick them up?"
Be it because of how sick I was feeling or because of how fast she was talking, my head was starting to spin.

But Harley, Ivy, Komand'r, Jinx, Caitlin, and Leslie had heard me say something about a promotion they were both surprised and happy at the same time in their own way. Some more than others but still.
"Sure, you can swing on by whenever. But I'm a bit slow when it comes to moving around at the moment. So if I'm not ready by the time you get here just give me a few."

"Not a problem, see you soon Damien!"
Before I had a chance to say the same she hung up.

"Mista D!!!"
Harley screamed as she tackled me with a hug.

"Ribs Ribs Ribs!!!"
I yelled out as she jumped back.

"Jesus what are you trying to do kill the guy?"
Leslie sighed.
"But still good for you man."
She smiled and offered her hand for a fist bump which I took.

From Gotham with Love (Male OC x Fem Villain Harem)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora