Buggy + Shanks | A Lost Item and New Love

Start from the beginning

You giggle and caress his face as he pulls you into a passionate kiss. "I missed you." He mumbles against your lips.

"I missed you too." You respond with a smile.

You and Buggy just stare into eachother's eyes for a few moments before Shanks interrupts. "Wow. I don't think I've ever felt so single in my life."

You laugh and Buggy rolls his eyes as Shanks walks over and wraps his arm around Buggy. "It's nice to know I was missed."

"When did I say you were missed?" Buggy says looking at Shanks with mock disgust.

Shanks sighs as you laugh. "Y/n can I have a moment with my asshole of a boyfriend for a few minutes."

"I guess so. I know this is a lot to ask for but don't fight while I'm gone." You say giving them both a quick kiss before you go.

You talk with Cabaji and Benn planning a big party for tonight as a way to say goodbye to Shanks and his crew. You pull out the construction paper and glitter glue and plan out an extravagance event noteworthy of the papers.

"YOU LOST IT!?" You hear Buggy screech.

You sigh and look at your fellow party planners. "I'll be right back."

You rush over to the side of the boat to see Buggy's head floating off his body, his face almost as red as his nose. "You're so stupid!"

"Hey, what happened, I thought I asked you boys not to fight?" You asked slightly worried that Buggy would just spontaneously combust.

"Shanks is an idiot that's what's wrong. I give you one job and you can't help but screw it up." He responds glaring at Shanks.

"Hey, I'm not that stupid, it was just a small mistake."

"What did he do?" You ask the two of them. You don't miss the glance they give each other or the stuttering lack of answer they provide.

"I uh gave Shanks some of my makeup and he lost it." You raise your eyebrows at his answer but choose to go along with it.

"Oh, what did you give him, I might've borrowed it."

"No you didn't, I threw it overboard." Shanks cuts in.

There's a moment of silence and some more awkward staring before Buggy grabs your arm and pulls you away from Shanks. "Come, I decorated our room a bit while you were gone it looks much flashier now."

"I'm sure it does." You say slowly as Buggy glances back towards Shanks.

You and Buggy spend the rest of the afternoon together exploring the new improvements made to the ship and planning out the party. Every time you would ask about Shanks Buggy would brush off your remarks and bring the conversation back to a previous subject.

Finally before the party is set to begin Shanks shows up with a few bottles of cheap alcohol. "Drink this before I start talking." He says handing you both each a bottle. You clink your bottles together and take a sip from your drink. "So, I couldn't ring, I honestly don't know where it went." He says looking at Buggy.

"Wait what ring, I thought you lost Buggy's makeup." You asked in a confused voice.

Buggy sighs and takes a swing from his drink before responding. "One night when you were asleep Shanks went out and bought a ring for us- well you. There was only one left so we decided that we would go to a jeweller when we met up and get a couple replicas. But he lost it."

"I'm sure we'll be able to find something similar I can ask some of my friends." You say trying to cheer them up.

"But the ring was perfect. A beautiful ruby in the middle surrounded by little sapphire leaves." Buggy complains.

"Wait, does it look something like this?" You pull out the chain around your neck and reveal the ring hanging from it. "You told me to hold onto this because you thought you would lose it." You ask Shanks.

Buggy buts in to looks at the ring and smiles. "It is! I guess Shanks isn't too stupid to realize that he's stupid."

Shanks glares at Buggy before turning to you. "I guess now that I have the ring I can finally propose."


"What did you think the ring was for?" Shanks chuckles.

"To wear? I don't know. Wait, did you know about this?" You ask turning to Buggy.

"Why do you think we wanted to get copies of the ring?" Buggy says with a small laugh.

"Matching jewellery?"

Shanks laughs and gives you a small peck on the cheek. "You're slower then I thought you were."

You stand there speechless as Buggy takes the chain off your neck and holds up the ring for you. "Y/n, baby, you are one of the most important people in my life and-"

"Oh get on with it. Wanna get married to us, just so you know I already asked Buggy and he's down if you are." Shanks interrupts.

You stare between the two of them for a few moments before slowly nodding. "Okay, yeah sure let's get married why the fuck not."

They both smile and wrap you in a bit of an awkward group hug. "Do you wanna get married right now? We planned a whole reception party already." Buggy asks.

"Let's get the rings first, I still need some time to soak this all in you know?"

Buggy nods and presses a kiss to the top of your head. "I guess that's probably better. We'll make invites for all your friends and get a big cake and-"

"One step at a time Bugs." Shanks says. "It's all a bit overwhelming."

"Right sorry."

"It's fine Buggy, we'll plan out a bigger, flashier party." You say with a smile.

Shanks pecks your cheek while Buggy already starts planning out the entire wedding. You smile to yourself and pull your husbands-to-be a little closer to yourself looking at the ring in Shanks hand picturing how perfect it would look on your finger. 


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Word Count: 1,518

Rude comments will not be tolerated thanks ilysm <3

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