Chapter 29: Her Lifeline

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———B E N E D I C T———

Sensitive topics are discussed in this chapter!!!

" I want to kill someone you love, just like how you killed someone I loved. Him " He pointed behind me, my eyes widening as I watched Ambrose stare at me with murderous eyes.

" No. Hurting him is out of the question " I respond, the tone of my voice stern as I stared at the disgusting male in front of me.

He looked at me with annoyance showing on his face, his jaw clenched as he pressed his lips together.

My sister continued to whimper and cry in my arms, her arms wrapped around my waist as I held her tightly.

" Then I'm taking your little whore back " He took a step forward, his hand reaching for the back of my shirt that was now covering my little sister.

" No " I spoke, my eyes narrowing as I pushed my sister out of the way.

I took a step forward, grabbing Ambrose's wrist before twisting it.

He let out a cry as I looked out of the corner of my eye, my eyes catching on Asher taking steps towards my sister.

She was standing there, her arms wrapped around her body as she shook in fear.

Tears were still running out of her eyes as Asher continued to take small steps towards her, eventually close enough to her where he could talk to her without having to talk loudly.

Her eyes were wet as Asher took more steps towards her after asking her if she would like to be held.

She simply nodded before letting her arms fall to her sides, Asher opening his arms before wrapping them around my trembling sister.

She grabbed onto him like he was her lifeline, Asher humming in her ear softly as he continued to hold Beatrix in his arms.

I turned my attention back to Ambrose after witnessing the kind act, my eyes darkening as I watched the male pull away from me.

" I don't know how you got through my borders. I don't know how you managed to get inside this house and start a war between our 'packs' but I do know that my pack is double the size of the group of people you control and you won't be able to win this fight, not unless I let you- which I won't- and I'm not letting you touch another hair on their fucking heads so pick another demand " I scowled at him, bending both of my pointer fingers and both of my middle fingers as the word 'packs' left my lips.

" I started gathering more followers the minute I heard of Jacob's death. One of your 'loyal' pack members let me through your borders and the same 'loyal' pack member let me through your doors " He laughed, bending his fingers as the word 'loyal' left his lips. " Your warriors and your beta didn't even notice we were here when we were let in because we've been planning this attack for months and have practiced being sneaky. Your little whore there though, she fucking ruined it all the minute she saw us fighting with your members by calling you. Should've just mind-linked you though, woman are so fucking retarded " He laughed again, staring at me like he had already won this fight.

" Face it, we're winning, so just let me kill your fuck toy over there and we'll be on our way " He continued, obviously thinking he was giving me a bargain by asking me to give up the love of my life for the safety of my pack and its members.

" You're not killing the man I love simply because I killed a man who attacked us for no reason " I responded, knowing Asher was listening to every word I spoke.

" Your relationship with him isn't right anyway " Ambrose scowled " You would rather me kill hundreds than kill him? "

" No, but I'll never agree to you murdering him. Also, I've just ran out of patience " I raised my hand, bending my fingers into a fist before slamming it into Ambrose's face.

He fell back, groaning as he laid on the ground.

" Go. Take Beatrix, and go wait in my room. Lock the door and don't open it for anyone until you can hear my voice on the other side " I spoke, my voice deep as I stared down at Ambrose.

My eyes never left the pathetic excuse of a man lying on the floor before me, my wolf begging me to be drenched in his blood.

" Bene- " I heard Asher start, my head turning so I could look at my mate. I looked at him, my eyes pleading for him to not argue.

He didn't.

He took Beatrix's hand, staying as far from the male still lying on the floor as he could as he walked up the steps with my sister.

He didn't look back down at me, he simply walked with his fingers tangled together with Beatrix's.

I looked down at Ambrose for a split second before turning my head, slamming the pack-house's door shut so he couldn't escape from me.

My head was filling with ideas of how to kill a man as I turned back to the male who took my sister's choice away, my jaw clenched as I reached down.

My hands fisted around his shirt, pulling him to his feet before slamming him against a nearby wall.

He looked at me with wide eyes, his laughter no longer present as his arms laid at his sides.

" You don't deserve to live. You don't deserve anything but a painful death. You took her choice away, you made her feel pain in many different ways, for doing that to my sister. My family. I'm going to gut you from the inside out. I'm going to watch as you scream for me to stop. I'm going to watch as you plead for mercy. I'm going to make you feel the pain she felt, but amplified by 100. I'm going to make you regret ever being alive. I'm going to kill you and I'm going to kill every one of your followers for hurting her. She is the most important woman in my life, and you ruined hers so I'm going to end yours. You deserve death, but not without the pain and the torture that you deserve. " I grinned at him, watching as his face drained of all color " You thought you would win this fight? Think again "

Lowkey love Benedict in this chapter-

Sorry for the short chapter, I just felt like this was a good place to end it.

I'll update again soon!!! I'm already working on the next chapter since you guys are showing me so much support- I appreciate you guys 🫶

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