Chapter 21: Love is Love

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———B E N E D I C T———

" Don't worry " The doctor, Charlie, started when he saw Asher and I looking at him with parted lips and wide eyes. " There's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. Love is Love. Plus God wishes everyone to accept all who they differ from " He smiled at the two of us " ...Can I check your wound now, Asher? " He spoke, adverting his attention so it remained solely on Asher.

Asher simply muttered a 'yup' under his breath before pulling his hospital gown up.

I licked my bottom lip as Asher raised his gown, his body bare as the doctor checked his wound.

Charlie remained quiet as he checked on Asher, Asher's eyes eventually drifting to me.

His eyes stuck to me like glue as I dumped myself back into the crappy plastic chair, his gaze only faltering when he blinked.

I stared at Charlie and Asher's actions, my eyes drifting from Charlie's hand touching Asher's skin to Asher's facial expression.

A blush coated my cheeks when I noticed he was staring at me, his eyes boring into mine until I couldn't take it anymore. He made my heart beat faster, so fast that I could feel it pounding against my chest, so I turned my head.

I watched as Charlie examined Asher's now healed wound, my eyes sometimes shifting to Asher's expression when I didn't feel his eyes on me.

Oh goddess Theo groaned when Asher licked his lips when he noticed my eyes on him, his eyes back to gazing into mine as he wet his lips.

I let my eyes linger on my mate, trying not to blink so I didn't miss anything Asher had to offer.

My mate and I gawked at each other the rest of the appointment, both of us apparently trying not to look away or miss the way our mate's facial expressions even slightly changed.

But occasionally, for less than a minute, my eyes drifted to how Charlie and Asher's skin was touching.

It made me jealous for reasons even I couldn't explain, I just wanted the feeling to disappear.

" okay, well, everything looks to be normal so you're free to leave " Charlie looked between Asher and I, smiling happily at us both " Have a nice day and may God bless you both " He stated before turning around, my eyes following him so I could be sure when he was out of sight and could no longer hear us.

I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I released a puff of air from my mouth.

I looked back over at Asher after breathing in heavily, confused as to why he held such a smug expression.

His hospital gown was now covering himself. Thank Goddess.

" What? " I asked, standing from my spot on the uncomfortable chair I wished to burn after today.

" You're jealous. You're actually jealous. Oh. My. Goodness. " A grin was placed on his face as he swung his legs off the hospital bed, standing to his feet.

I rolled my eyes playfully as he grinned at me, his facial expression absolutely adorable.

" I'm not jealous " I crossed my arms, a small smile creeping up on my face as Asher continued to walk towards me in small steps.

" You sure? Are you positive that you aren't jealous of him touching me, feeling my skin? "

I'm not Theo piped up, growling lowly at the image Asher was creating in my mind.

I could tell my eyes were glowing by the way Asher was looking at me, his grin never faltering.

I huffed before uncrossing my arms, letting my now free hands grip onto his shoulders before pushing his body back against the wall.

A small gasp left his mouth as I pushed him against the cool wall, my head tilted down and his tilted up so we could look into each other's eyes.

" I'm not jealous " I growled out, enjoying the way his eyes flashed red when I pushed his body against the wall.

The color of his eyes wasn't as disgusting as I thought it would be, as it was when I first met him. For some reason, I've sorta come to like the bright red his eyes glowed.

" Ok " He replied simply as he raised his hand, tangling it in my hair.

A groan left my lips as he tangled his hand in my hair, gripping and pulling at the strands before pulling me down.

Sparks flew through my body as our lips touched, the feeling immediately sending a wave of happiness throughout my body that I didn't think I would ever feel again.

Our bodies were pressed together, his chest flush against mine and his figure fitting against mine perfectly.

We kissed as if our lives depended on it, our lips pushing against each other's and our tongues tangling together.

" I don't think I'll ever get used to the sparks " I breathed once we pulled back.

I heard a breathy laugh escape Asher's lips once I pulled away from him, leaning against the wall next to him.

We were still close together, our shoulders slightly touching so we could both feel the sparks we both craved.

It remained silent for a few moments, both of us leaning against the cold wall to cool our heated bodies.

" ...Why did you become a rogue? " I asked, slightly scared of the answer he was sure to have held.

" ...I have been a rogue basically my whole life... I think I was about 4 when I officially became one " He answered, his smile slowly dying. I heard him take a breath before continuing " My mom died while giving birth to me so I was raised by my dad. I don't really remember him but I still miss him sometimes. Anyway, it was late at night when a pack of rogues decided to start a war. They killed almost everyone and everyone who didn't immediately die, died from their injuries. My dad took me to the edge of the woods and forced me to shift early, I ran like hell because he told me he'd come find me. He never did "

" How do you not hate them? " I asked, leaning my head against the wall.

" Not all rogues are guilty. Plus, I can't really hate what I became. I would never be happy. "

" Are you happy with what you are now? " I asked, staring in front of me so I didn't have to see his expression.

" It's hard being one of the most hated creatures out there but I don't hate myself " He replied softly, letting out a breath after. " I just don't get why some people hate all rogues based on stereotypes. Some rogues aren't bad "

" ...I didn't used to hate all rogues. I only started to because they took the woman I loved from me "


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