Chapter 27: The Date

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———B E N E D I C T———

A smile was placed on my face as I drove with the windows down, Asher sitting beside me in the clothes that I let him borrow as he stared out the window.

His hair was flying in the wind as I drove at a fast pace, the wind and light from the sun hitting his face perfectly.

His hands were placed in his lap as he looked out of the window, a huge smile placed on his lips as I drove us to our destination.

My elbow was placed on the center console lying between us, my left hand directing the steering wheel to drive us towards the restaurant.

The restaurant I was taking my mate too wasn't exactly 'fancy' but was still considered nice so I gave him some of my nicer clothes.

The restaurant I was driving us too was my favorite place to eat when I was a kid, my parents driving Beatrix and I there whenever they didn't want to cook for us.

I made sure to call before I started driving to make sure they had a spot ready for us when we arrived, my smile only growing brighter when they told me they would have a spot for us since it wasn't busy today.

I enjoyed the wind caressing my body as I drove Asher to 'Pete's Eatery', a smile plastered on my face.

" I don't remember the last time I've been in a car " I heard Asher confess, his voice holding a hint of sadness which made my smile drop a bit "...But this- this is nice so I think that even if I did remember the last time I rode in a car, that this ride would still be my favorite experience "

I turned my head towards Asher to see him already looking at me with a bright smile, his voice sad but his expression happy.

My smile grew massive as I looked at him, my right arm no longer resting on the center console when I reached over to grab Asher's hand.

Our fingers tangled together as we sat side by side, my head turning so I could look back in front of me and watch the road.

A smile was still present on my face as I held his hand tightly, his hand warm and slightly smaller than mine.

I turned my head back to look at him when I felt eyes on me, a feeling of warmth filling me when I saw him smiling at me with love in his eyes.

I took a breath before turning to look back at the road, a never ending smile present on my face as I raised our conjoined hands.

I held his hand tightly as I pulled our conjoined hands closer to my lips, kissing the back of his hand as I drove us to the restaurant.

The ride was peaceful as I drove, our minds clear of any worries about us being together and our hands pressed together.

Sparks continued to fly up my arm as I held his hand, my lips letting a deep sigh pass through them once I pulled into the restaurants parking lot because I had to let my mate go in a matter of minutes if not seconds.

I heard a sigh leave Asher's lips as well before he let go of my hand, turning in his spot so he could be face to face with me once I turned towards him as well.

I turned the car off after I rolled up the windows, turning towards my mate who had pretty eyes and perfectly plump lips immediately after.

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