Chapter 1: Rogue

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———A S H E R———

I stared at the fire before me, a cup of alcohol in my hands as I watched the orange and red flames dance together.

It was cold out tonight, the multiple fires set up around camp not helping any of us stay warm.

" Hey, Ash! "

I looked up, a small smile playing on my lips when I saw the thin girl.

She smiled as she walked over to me, taking the spot beside me.

" Hey, Aaliyah " I smiled as I brought the cup of alcohol to my lips. " Hey, Adam " I greeted the muscular man once he walked over, his eyes immediately finding his small mate beside me. " How was Hunting Practice? " I asked to no one in particular.

" Excell- "

" She doesn't know how to not spook an animal " Adam said bluntly, cutting off his raven haired lover.

I laughed as she glared at him, earning me an elbow to my arm from my best friend.

" ...We're going to have to move soon, so we'll have to continue her training at the new spot " He sighed

" We're moving already? We've only been here for, what, a week? Where are we going? " I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

" Somewhere without a pack a few miles away " He answered " Jacob apparently didn't check the area before setting up camp. Aaliyah and I found a pack a few miles away from here while at hunting practice. I made sure we were far away enough so they couldn't see or smell us but we watched them. It seems like a well ordered community and when a pack is good enough to be a well ordered community, there's always an excellent Alpha who's willing to do whatever it takes to protect it. "

" Well it's a few miles away, right? I'm sure it will be fine as long as we don't come in contact with them "

" It's a big pack, Asher, we could very well be on the brink of trespassing on their land and we wouldn't even know until it happens. " He spoke " A pack that big is bound to have miles and miles of territory. If they find out we're close to that territory, they'll kill or torture all of us until the trees are decorated in our blood. We'd have no chance of escaping here alive if we don't leave now " He crossed his arms

" You don't know that " I shook my head in disagreement. " Our fighting skills could be on the same level, we might even be better. You've trained all of us and everyone here knows you're the best "

" They probably have better weapons and better teachers though, Asher " He sighed " Besides, it doesn't even really matter who is better. It's all about numbers. We have twenty- four people at camp, excluding those unable to fight, we have around 18. They probably have around two or three thousand "

" ...Did you tell Jacob yet? " I asked

" No, He's busy with a girl in his tent " Adam seemed annoyed but he didn't make any bad remarks about his Alpha, he simply sat down next to his mate and took her hand into his to try and calm his anger.

Their relationship was always very sweet to me and I doubt that will ever change.

Aaliyah is a newly made rogue and had found and joined our little pack less than a month ago.

She had left her old pack because of how she had been treated by the Alpha and his Luna for being a girl.

I don't really know all the details but I know her last pack had strong opinions about females and that they thought men were superior.

Adam was also born into a pack, and he stayed there for the first month of his life before he, along with his father and brother left. For some reason, his mother decided to stay behind and let her husband and two kids become rogues without her.

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