Chapter 7: Protected

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———B E N E D I C T———

I stood in front of the male, a smile on my face as he looked at me with zero expression showing on his.

I walked towards him until my face was inches away from his, both of our expressions completely different from the other.

" If you think you're going to protect her by standing in front of her, you're sorely mistaken. I'm an Alpha, I could kill both of you with my bare hands any day of the week at any time " I whispered, a smile still showing on my face.

" I guess we'll have to test that if you touch her then, won't we? " He spoke with a straight face, his voice calm and collected.

" I'm not interested in touching her, I'm interested in killing her "

" Well, it's me before her so if you want to kill her, you're going to have to go through me first "

" Glad- "

" Adam " I turned my head as I heard a voice speak, interrupting me in the process.

I saw a male walk out of a tent, shirtless, as a girl hung on his arm.

Is this man-whore their supposed Alpha?

I'm assuming he was since he's the only male who seems to have an actual shelter. The others, I'm assuming, are sleeping on logs and the hard ground.

Except the girl hanging on his arm, I'm sure she sleeps good at night.

" Leave " He directed towards the man I think is named Adam, who is currently still standing in front of the thin girl.

I rolled my eyes at the exchange before walking towards the man-whore, my face blank as I faced him.

He didn't bother to shake the girl from his arm or put a shirt on. He remained standing in front of me, shirtless with a girl hanging off him, as a lazy expression remained plastered on his bearded face.

" You're the Alpha? " I scoffed

" Sure am " He flashed me a half-smile that was not reciprocated.

I stared at the male in front of me, my eyes stuck to his dull ones.

He looked at me like he didn't care about anything that was currently happening to him or to his pack.

The way he could smile after half his pack died, showed me that he didn't care but most importantly, it showed me that the man in front of me wasn't a real alpha.

A real alpha would be in mourning, not fucking a girl right after it happened.

" You're a disgusting excuse for an alpha " I scoff

His dull eyes looked into mine as he processed what I was saying and I swear his disgusting mouth opened and closed more than enough times.

I narrowed my eyes as I studied the rogue in front of me who still had a hint of arousal clinging to him.

I clenched my jaw as I took in his disheveled appearance before raising my fist and connecting it with his jaw.

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