Chapter 15: Someone I Used to Know

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———B E N E D I C T———

" It's looking better " The doctor held up Asher's shirt, observing Asher's healing wound. " You'll still need to rest here a few more days so we can continue to help treat it but you should be fine to leave in less than a week "

The doctor, who I've come to know as Charlie, looked pleased with himself. Very pleased as a matter of fact. I'm guessing that that has something to do with helping Asher heal an infected stab-wound that was given to him by a member of my pack.

" A week? " I asked, gaining the attention of Asher and the charming doctor.

I didn't want to be here for another hour, let alone another week.

I didn't want to be in Asher's presence, nor did I want the woman who brought us food to come back.

It was shameful that I had reacted like that, and Asher had seen everything. That was the rotten cherry on top.

To add to all the things I didn't want though, I didn't want to sleep in this Godforsaken chair another night.

It made my back ache in the morning and it always got so cold at night, which was odd since I'm a werewolf and am supposed to always feel hot.

" Yes, my alpha, is there something wrong? " Charlie asked, looking at me with confusion clear in his eyes before he tore his own away from mine.

He soon started to dig around in a drawer beside Asher's bed when I didn't answer, a few frustrated groans leaving his lips when he couldn't find what he was looking for.

He still held Asher's shirt up, but was now apparently set on finding a particular item or perhaps items.

His eyebrows were slightly furrowed as he dug around in the drawer, the loud sound of objects clinking and clanging against each other filling the small space we were in.

His back was slightly hunched forward as he looked for something in the overly crowded drawer, but eventually, he pulled out a large package and a tube of cream.

He smiled at the both of us, mumbling a quick 'Got it' as he opened the tube of cream.

I watched as Asher immediately winced when it was applied onto the wound.

Anxiety soon filled me which made me immediately move closer towards him, sitting on the edge of my chair as I examined my mate and his painful expressions.

I placed my hand onto the edge of the bed, my eyes studying the doctor's hands touching my mate's soft looking skin.

My eyes darted away from the sight of the doctor treating my mate's wound when I felt a hand being placed over mine.

I looked down at my hand lying on the hospital bed, a smile slowly making its way onto my face when I saw Asher's hand on top of mine.

He was looking at me as Charlie tended to his wound, his own eyes filled with uncertainty as sparks flew up my arm.

" Alright " The doctor said suddenly, successfully startling me. I acted fast, embarrassed the doctor had seen me touch a rogue with nothing but care in my eyes. I quickly pulled away from Asher when Charlie was done applying the cream, my face now feeling hot.

I pulled my hand out from under his, my heart racing as I leaned back in the chair.

I went back to watching the doctor as he worked on my mate. I studied him as he ripped open a package, pulling out a bandage with glove covered hands.

He smiled a large smile at me before focusing all of his attention on Asher.

He explained to him that the bandage was to be replaced regularly with clean hands so it didn't become infected again.

The wound still looked very deep, and very red but it didn't quite look infected anymore. It was just slightly irritated.

Also, Asher seemed to be feeling better. He still didn't lay on his side where he was stabbed, but he looked better. He wasn't quite as pale as before, and he no longer slept most of the day.

Asher's shirt was soon dropped after the doctor put the heavy duty bandage on the healing wound.

" No. There's no problem " I mumbled when I realized I still hadn't answered Charlie's initial question, returning to lounge on this damn chair right after the words left my mouth.

" Alright then " The doctor continued to smile at Asher, his eyes seemingly tired as he focused all of his attention onto his patient " I will be back to check on you throughout the day but it looks like it's healing quite nicely. If you pray, the scar might not even be that noticeable " He spoke, his eyes lighting up when he spoke of praying.

I heard a sigh leave his thin lips as he brought his hand to his neck, his fingers now playing with a cross that was secured onto a long thin silver chain. " I'll also be praying for you of course " He continued

" ...I will definitely do that then, thank you " Asher shifted uncomfortably in the hospital bed.

The doctor nodded before excusing himself.

" Are you not religious? " I asked once the doctor was out of sight.

" No, I'm an atheist " He answered, lying back down on the hospital bed. He was lying on his side, facing me. His eyes boring into mine as we spoke. " But I'm glad he has someone he looks up to "

" You have that in common with Valeria, she was always going on about how God couldn't be real because he lets bad things- " I stopped

" Valeria? " Asher asked, his voice full of interest.

" ...She's someone I used to know "

" Did- Did she pass away? " He asked, stumbling over his words as he sat up straight.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I digested his words, noting how he looked like he knew something I didn't.

The look he was giving me bothered me for some reason.

" It's none of your business " I spat, unable to control myself.

Asher's face quickly crumbled, his expression no longer curious. He seemed hurt above all, but he didn't comment on my sensitivity to the topic of my long lost friend.

My wolf wanted to howl for forgiveness, but he kept quiet as he crawled to the back of my mind.

I also remained quiet, unable to form any other words.

My wolf wined as he noticed that Asher's expression was still filled to the brim with pain but still, he remained quiet.

Even my wolf knew how important Valeria was to me, and he knew to keep quiet when someone brought her up.


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