Chapter 11: Sparks

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———A S H E R———

All I felt was pain as I waited for my mate.

Although the guard had went to get him hours ago, he was still nowhere to be seen.

Adam stood by the steel bars locking us in here, his arms crossed as he watched and waited for my mate to appear.

Aaliyah kept by my side on the floor as we waited for my mate to suddenly come waltzing through the door.

I felt bad for not telling Aaliyah that the alpha was supposed to be my soulmate but it was embarrassing to have someone who's supposed to love you just not care about you.

I leaned my head against the concrete wall, my legs straight out in front of me as I sat on the dirty concrete floor.

My head was pounding and every time I tried to stand up, it felt like the room was spinning me like I was on a merry-go-round.

I could barely even go to the toilet without falling over.

I could barely see my own hand if I held it in front of me.

I could barely focus on anything but the pain.

I knew my wound was bad, but I didn't think it would get this bad. I didn't think I would loose enough blood for my body to quit functioning properly.

I sighed as Aaliyah leaned against me, whispering 'Its ok' and 'it's going to be ok, Ash' under her breath numerous times like she was trying to convince herself and not me.

I didn't have the heart to tell her that every time she pressed against me, it felt like a million needles poking me.

Although it hurt, I let Aaliyah stay cuddled against me because I knew she needed this, she needed to know I was going to be ok. Even if I wasn't.

I didn't have enough energy to answer her numerous chants or to comfort her when she finally worked up enough courage to lift up my shirt to see my wound. I should've stopped her, but my body was too weak to move. I should've tried to keep her pretty eyes away from the deep cut, but I physically couldn't. I could barely keep Adam away for longer than a minute without my body begging for me to give up.

I remember a few tears running down Aaliyah's cheeks when she saw my side, immediately cuddling up beside me after she let my shirt fall over the cut.

She remained cuddled against me, the occasional sniffle filling the small cell.

Adam stayed on the other side of the cell, his arms crossed as he turned to watch the two of us.

It was hours before my mate entered the small cell, but I was grateful that he came when he did. If it was another hour or even another 30 minutes... I don't know if I would have made it.

Adam and Aaliyah immediately turned their gazes towards the door, Aaliyah starting to detach herself from me as she started to sit up.

Aaliyah was by no means heavy, but a sigh of relief still left my lips when some of her weight started to move off of me.

I turned my head, blinking a few times to try and clear my vision so I could watch the pair of siblings walk in.

They looked and smelled clean while I don't even remember the last time I got a shower.

The three of us, Adam, Aaliyah and I, were dirty, sweaty and just overall gross while the pair of siblings were the complete opposite.

I guess smelling clean is a perk of being in a real pack.

I swallowed a lump in my throat as I looked up at my tall mate who was staring down at me with a hint of pity in his eyes, paying no attention to the small girl beside me.

Aaliyah quickly scampered away when my mate made no attempt to speak, hiding in Adam's arms once again.

I heard a breath escape my mate's lips as he looked down at me for a minute. He grunted before looking back, glaring at his sister who I assumed had hit him.

" Can you walk? " I heard him ask as he turned back around, facing me once again with those blue eyes of his.

He sounded distant.

I shook my head at him, my eyes catching on the figure that stood behind him for a split second.

I saw Beatrix smile, but her smile looked forced as she looked down at me on the concrete flooring.

I heard a sigh leave his lips before I saw him squat down beside me.

He squatted down besides my tired body, his eyes narrowed as he examined me himself.

" I'm only doing this because Beatrix wouldn't leave me alone, don't think I actually care about you " He huffed which made a small smile come across my face.

I opened my mouth, preparing to comment but no words being able to leave my lips.

I closed my mouth shortly after, looking away from the taller male for a split second before looking at him again.

He looked at me for a moment before sliding an arm in between my back and the wall, moving me away from the dirty concrete.

He slid his other under my knees, effortlessly picking me up bridal style.

Sparks invaded my body at the contact, his touch quickly soothing all my pain.

I heard him inhale before holding me tighter against his chest.

I let my head lean against his hard chest, smiling when it started to numb my headache.

" Let's go " I heard him speak.

I closed my eyes as I focused on the sparks between the two of us, trying to drown out the sounds of other prisoners as we walked down the hallway.

I knew Beatrix was walking beside us because I heard every time she asked her brother whether or not he thinks I'll live.

He never answered.

I hummed as I snuggled further into him, his scent so calming and his touch so soothing.

My side didn't hurt anymore, and for that reason, I will always be grateful that the man decided to carry me and not drag me behind him.

My legs were hung over his arm, my dirty shoes pressed together as my one arm fell out of my lap and was now hanging like a loose branch on a dead tree.


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