Chapter 18: Escape Me

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———A S H E R———

Clara picked up two plates stacked full of food, setting one of the plates down on the table beside my hospital bed and the other on the table beside Beatrix's chair.

I noticed Clara started to avoid both mine and Beatrix's stares soon after I interrupted their staring contest, making remorse slowly start to fill me.

Clara was focusing on anything but Beatrix, unlike before when she couldn't tear her eyes away from Beatrix.

A sad look was soon plastered on Beatrix's face when she realized Clara was basically avoiding her, the sight both saddening me and warming my heart because Beatrix was already so delighted to be Clara's mate that it hurt her when Clara wasn't looking directly at her.

I let a sigh escape through my lips as I noticed Beatrix's frown only continued to grow, looking down at my plate of delicious smelling food for just a second before looking back up at the two women.

I had also noticed that Beatrix had still never taken her eyes off Clara, it had even seemed like her eyes were glued to Clara. Meanwhile, Clara couldn't seem to move her eyes away from her mate fast enough every time she glanced at her. Her eyes were almost always downcast and she had even managed to keep her sentences short.

She seemed to immediately wish to leave when she left the plates of food, obviously not wanting to stay longer than she had too.

Clara had quickly wiped her hands on her leggings before muttering a quiet 'Goodbye' and turning back around.

Beatrix's mouth dropped open as Clara started to push the cart still full of food towards the door, probably pushing it towards where the other patients are.

Beatrix quickly jumped out of the plastic chair, following Clara as she tried to walk away from her.

I raised an eyebrow as I witnessed the two of them together, a small smile soon playing on my lips when Beatrix had Clara stop walking away with her cart by standing in front of the cart filled with food.

I tried not to listen in on the conversation, but I heard a loud voice say something along the lines of 'Let me come with you?' with a questionable tone.

I didn't hear a response so I'm sure Clara either nodded or shook her head.

I'm assuming the first option because not long after I heard Beatrix yell very loudly 'I'll get Benedict to come stay with you!!!'.

I sighed as the two girls left the hospital room, leaving me alone in my thoughts.

I slumped back against the thin hospital pillow, folding my hands together as my anxiety started to rise.

Days had already passed since I last saw him, the boy that I hope will someday love me like Adam loves Aaliyah... but hoping for something that is almost impossible is just raising my hopes and dreams to impossible standards.

I bit my bottom lip as I looked back at the door Clara and Beatrix had just walked out of, taking a deep breath before swinging my legs over the side of the hospital bed.

The floor was cold against my bare feet, an involuntarily shiver shaking my body as I took an unstable step forward.

I reached behind me as I continued to take small steps towards the door, grabbing the two pieces of the hospital gown that were not yet tied together.

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