Chapter 17: Clara

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———A S H E R———

I sat awkwardly on the bed, listening to the loud snores coming from Beatrix's mouth.

She had been staying with me for the past few days as my wound healed.

I didn't exactly need to be hospitalized anymore, my werewolf healing had finally kicked in late last night. I had fallen asleep with my wound still irritated and red, when I woke up to change the bandage it was mostly healed. All that remained on my side now was a small scar that you could barely see.

I was ecstatic when I woke up and saw that my stab-wound could no longer be considered a still-healing stab-wound. I still put another bandage on the spot I was stabbed nonetheless, wanting to get the religious doctor's opinion on how I should continue to treat it before I mess up all the treatments I've already received.

The doctor, who claims praying helped it heal, had also been ecstatic when he pealed off the bandage I put on last only to see a small scar.

The doctor had been continuing to grow on me, something about the way he just continues to smile just makes me feel better.

He's also been checking on me periodically throughout the day, always asking how my day is going or if I needed anything. He's simply just nice.

The first time he checked on me was early this morning.

He had pulled off the bandage I last put on and said it no longer needed to be covered. He also said that I needed to stay for another day or two so he can make sure it's healing correctly since I was stabbed with a silver knife.

I haven't seen Benedict in the last few days, but apparently I've made asking about him a habit because Beatrix plays a stupid grin on her face whenever I bring the grumpy alpha up.

Right now, she was sleeping comfortably in the chair Benedict hated, snores emitting from her full pink lips.

It was amusing to me that she sleeps so much, she had went to bed around 7 or 8 last night and then was woken up by the doctor early this morning because apparently Benedict had told him to give Beatrix all the information about my recovery. She didn't exactly listen to anything the religious man had to say, she simply sat in her chair glaring at the man who woke her before going back to bed.

The rest of the times that the doctor had come to check on me, she stayed asleep because the doctor had made no attempt to wake her. He even whispered.

I smiled as I watched her sleep comfortably on the hard plastic when suddenly, a lady walked into the room.

It look a few moments to realize that the lady was different from the lady from before, the one trying to get with Benedict.

The other woman was very smily and very flirty and seemed very into Benedict just by the way she was talking and looking at him.

This woman was practically the opposite. She seemed to have a natural frown placed on her pretty face and she kept her eyes on the cart in front of her as she pushed it towards us instead of dragging it behind her like the last lady.

She didn't seem to have any makeup on, which she didn't need anyway. She looked beautiful, naturally beautiful, while the other woman seemed to have caked the foundation, powders, and shadows onto her skin.

The woman walking towards us had her hair pulled back into a messy bun unlike the other woman who let it fall over her shoulders, stopping at her naturally skinny waist.

I watched the new woman on my spot on the bed as she pushed the cart full of food into the room, her eyes seemingly avoiding any eye contact with other people.

When she reached us, her voice was tiny when she started to speak. I noticed she still didn't look at me in the eyes for long periods of time but when she did look at me long enough for me to examine her, I realized her eyes were truly beautiful. They were a light blue, but they were so light they were almost white with a hint of blue.

I almost felt bad for the girl that she felt that she had to hide them.

" Alpha Benedict told the staff that Ashley wasn't to be tending to you anymore. My name is Clara, I will be the one bringing your food to you from now on " She explained as if she said the second sentence a thousand times, holding out her hand that was attached to her sickly thin wrist and arm once she let go of the cart.

I shook her bony hand, examining how she forced a smile while she talked to me.

" Nice to meet you " I spoke louder than the unhealthy looking girl, successfully waking Beatrix from her slumber.

She jumped up in her seat, a small gasp escaping her lips as she looked for the source of the voice that woke her up.

The girl in front of me, Clara, was beautiful, naturally beautiful. I could even go as far to say that she was beyond gorgeous, but she made me feel uneasy as I took in her appearance.

The arm that shook mine was as thin as I assume her bone was, no extra fat protecting her delicate looking frame.

Even though her short- sleeve shirt, that I'm assuming is her uniform, was baggy you could most likely tell from the first glance that she was extremely thin.

Her cheeks were sunken in, her leggings, which looked like they were made for children, were loose and didn't seem to cling to any part of her leg like a pair of normal leggings would.

I looked the girl over, a forced smile playing on my lips as I noticed her thigh gap and her bony ankles.

She pulled her hand back a moment later, pushing a stray strand of thin hair behind her ear as she moved her gaze towards Beatrix.

Beatrix was sitting up-right in the plastic chair, her eyes wide as she placed her hands in her lap. Her lips were slightly parted as she stared at Clara, looking at her like she was the prettiest girl to ever exist even though she seemed shocked.

I looked back at Clara, grinning to myself as I saw Clara admiring Beatrix as well.

I coughed a few minutes into the staring match, Clara and Beatrix both snapping their heads towards me.

" Sorry " Clara murmured, turning to acquire the food for Beatrix and I.

I started to suck on my bottom lip once Beatrix looked away from me. She looked so sad all of a sudden.

She had turned her head away from me and towards Clara, looking at the thin girl with love already clear in her eyes.

I looked away from Beatrix and her actions, biting my bottom lip until I tasted a metallic flavor invade my mouth.

I could tell Beatrix was still staring at her mate even though I was now trying to focus on anything but the two women.

My eyes darted down to the blankets covering my body that was still wrapped in a hospital gown when everything else around me just became too much.

Beatrix's stares reminded me of my own mate, and of how he would never look at me the way Beatrix looks at Clara.


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