Chapter 11: Uninvited visitor

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Yuri dragged kaizen out of the fight club. She is silent while dragging him all the way back to the bridge.

"Yuri I am sorry. I just want to make some money."


"See I know it's a fight club and its risky but that's the only way we can get easy money."

"Do you know what is coming out of your mouth?"


"What do you know about fighting?! Just cause you killed some bandits that doesn't make you a fighter. It makes you a killer."

"Aren't both the same?"

"Shut up! You might have got yourself killed. Here take..."

"Wait, these pills, how you got these? Did you find a work?"

"No that's my salary"

"Salary? You already have job?"

"Dude we valkyries get a personal account as soon as we are born. Money will be funded into these account no matter what. Even if you don't work you get the money"

"So you get free money? That's awesome! Then why you took whole day to get the money?"

"Valkyrie banks only have this money so we go there to collect. In this huge city I had to search every street for the bank and I finally found it."

"Ohhhh.... nice........ you are rich."

"That's what you conclude with? Anyway take the medicine and sleep. Early morning we leave the city. You got it?"

"But what about fight club?"

"You outta your fucking mind!! If I tell 'No' then NO! Now go sleep."

"Yes ma'am..."

Kaizen never slept under a bridge. He felt very homeless. But he is exhausted so he slept after few minutes.

Meanwhile in Testimony Headquarters*

All the Elder level members having a group meeting.

"So any information about that Ulka boy and that valkyrie girl?"

"Well we found out that both of them are heading towards Electro Nights city in Japan."

"Then why the late? let's contact Japan's temple to send the members to get them."

"Don't worry they already sent two already"

"Last time we got two deaths for searching for them.... God bless their souls..."

"Don't worry last time it's junior level members. But this time it's Master level members. So they will bring the kid for sure."

"I heard the valkyrie helping the kid is once our target too."

"Really? How interesting..... what's her name again."

"Yuri Valkyrie"

"Hmmmm doesn't strike me anything with that name."

"It's the queen's daughter who ran away from the Valhalla."

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