Chapter 8: Killing gives Life

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The whole forest is shaking. And the bandits who captured kaizen are confused.
" This is very unusual"
" yeah... hope boss is okay"
"Okay now what we do with this brat."
" let's use the brat inside as a punching bag."
" Okay fine with me. Let me go first"

Then one of the bandits started punching the net that kaizen is in as punching bag. He is giving a very hard hit combos on the net. Then comes next and then the next. They took turns. The net is drenched with kaizen's blood. They continued  for 7 minutes.
"Hey let's check if he is still alive."
Then they opened the net. Kaizen drenched in his own blood fell on the ground. They checked his pulse and he is still alive.

"This brat is a strong one."
"Yeah, let's cut him and show his pieces to the sheriff. We receive our bounty and share among each other."
"Fuck yeah!!"

Kaizen lying on the ground in his own blood. One of his eyes is bruised, his nose is broken and he bleeding from his forehead. Left hand pinky is broken. The beating is so intense that he unable to breath.
Kaizen just staring at the sky as all the trees are shaking and remembering his mother.

" How beautiful you are mother? You always looked like an angel. You fed me, cleaned me and protected me. Now look at me. Without you I am hungry, dirty and hurt so bad. Without you I am nothing. Soon I will be seeing you...." These are the words kaizen murmured to himself as he laid down helpless.

Then suddenly the earthquake stopped. The bandits argued about the share that need to be distributed amongst themselves  and then they hung kaizen by his legs to a branch within 11 minutes. Blood is dripping down. Kaizen looked like a pig that is about to get dressed.
" well.. time to cut this brat."
" let's start from his head."
" No cut his guts and let it spill"

"Wait who is that?!" Said by one of the bandits. The all looked at the direction he is pointing. Then they saw Yuri with the axe of the Bandit boss on her shoulder. She is bleeding. Her armor is broken. She is panting.

"Hey! What did you do to our boss?!"


"Answer me you Bitch!!"


*Ten minutes before*

As Bandit boss and Yuri are wrestling. The bandit boss had upperhand. He has height and weight advantage.

"I know valkyries are strong but got damn you are one hell of a kind!"

"I going to win this!"

"Nice try but let me show you this!!." He pushed her against a tree. Her back is being crushed against the tree. Then he leaned his head backward and gave a strong headbutt to Yuri. She got staggered. But she got hold of her self. This time he bent his whole back to give a heavy headbutt then Yuri moved her head away and dogged his head. He directly hit the tree trunk. He got hurt bad. Yuri took advantage of that and took support of his shoulders jumped and kneed to his face. Creepers held his legs and his neck. And creepers that held his neck pulled him towards the ground. And Yuri jumped on his chin. His back bent backward to extreme as his head and feet both touching the ground but not his back. He struggled but no use. His hands are held by creepers. Then his eyes rolled backward and he got chocked by the creepers.
Yuri quickly took his heavy axe and ran towards kaizen.

*Present time*

Yuri threw the axe right at the bandits. Three of them dodged but one failed to. The axe cuts his arm and cut the branch that kaizen is hanging to. Kaizen fell on the floor. He barely maintaining consciousness.

Yuri after looking at kaizen got furious.

"Kaizen hang in there I'm coming!!"


Then one of the bandits screams "You will pay for this you bitch!!"

Then three of them rushed towards her with their swords. She also rushed towards them. Yuri being beaten up by the boss is exhausted and felt very dizzy. They swung their swords and Yuri barely dogged them. One successful grazed his sword on her nose. She got surrounded. But she managed to blow a punch on one of the bandits.
She is dodging continues. Then the guy whose arm is cut off threw a knife and it hit her right on her leg.
She lost balance and got kicked in the gut. She quickly got up and took few steps back.

She is breathing heavily. Her sweat and blood covered her whole face. Her arms are shivering and her legs are exhausted.

"You are a strong woman we give you that but look at you now, all withered and weak. Time for you to take rest." said by one of the Bandit.
As she trying to think for a plan she started observing she is feeling sleepy. At first she thought she is just beaten up but afterwards realised its the knife that the bandit threw has sedative rubbed on it.

Then all four bandits jumped on her. They got hold of her. She is unable to move. They pinned her down. One of them held her hands and two of them held her legs. The guy with his arm cut of started sharpening his sword.

"First your hole then your throat." Then he started walking towards her.

In that moment Yuri wished that kaizen should get up and run. Her eyes teared up and she closed her eyes.

All of a sudden an arrow went into the one arm bandit's back of his throat and came put through his mouth.

All the other bandits shocked and as the one arm bandit fell down dead, they saw Kaizen standing with an arrow and huge axe of their boss on his shoulder.
He swung the axe with great force. One head of the Bandit got split in half and other got hit to the torso. One holding Yuri's hands dodged and stood up.
He was shocked how a kid managed to swing that huge axe.
"Oi..... you called her something..." Asked by kaizen.

"You brat you killed my friends!! I'm gonna kill you for this!!!"

Then kaizen again swings the axe and gets the bandit's both legs. Bandit fell to the floor with no legs crawling away from kaizen. He screams "Help me!!! Somebody!!! Help me"

The bandit reinforcements that were called earlier reached the place where the Bandit boss is defeated. Seeing their boss's body folded backwards they got them scared.
"What kind of monster did this?!!"
"Quick! search the area."

Then they all heard scream of a man from the distance, asking for help.

"Let's go, it might be our men"
"No man let's just leave I don't feel good about this."
"Yeah I can feel bad omen in this place. Let's take the boss and leave."
" you guys are cowards if Jack heard what you guys said he will kill you all. Come on let's go."

Then they slowly marched towards the screams.

Meanwhile Kaizen standing in front of the crawling bandit and asking him " what did you call her?"

"Please spare me I...I...have family."

"Family? I think they better of without you."

"Please...." The bandit starts crying.

"Tell me what you called her?"

"It's a mistake I never called her that!"

"You called her 'a bitch' and I didn't like that"

Then kaizen took the last arrow that is left. He sat on bandit's chest and gouged of his eye balls and cut his tongue off.
Now the Bandit is with no legs, eyes and a voice to call someone a bitch.

It started raining and kaizen walking towards Yuri slowly. She went into to deep sedation. He saw tears running down her facs. He whipped her tears and picked her up. Even though she is heavy he carried her on his shoulders and started walking in the rain.

As he is walking he said " Don't worry Sis, I got you...." 


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