Chapter 9: Jack Benjamin

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As kaizen carrying Yuri on his back and walking slowly in the rain many thoughts came to his mind.
"I need to move as quickly as possible. What if they go more men coming after us? And this rain is not helping at all.....
I just took someone's life. I am no longer innocent. What I have become in just few days??". Kaizen slowly picked up his pace as he is following the sunset.

The dogs that bandits brought unable to catch the smell of Yuri and Kaizen due to the rain. Few bandits found bags of Yuri and kaizen.
"Hey these might be those guys' belongings"

"Yeah I think so... okay we need to bring those back to our hideout and think what we should do next."

"Yeah! In this rain we won't be catching their scent too"

" Alright! Men we go back to our hideout, we take boss in a stretcher and come back after this rain stops."

Then all the reinforcement bandits left the area.

It became night and kaizen still carrying Yuri. He is bleeding and fully drenched in rain. He realized the rain won't stop and it will pour down the whole night.

He sees a cave and he went inside slowly and then he find if safe as it has no tracks or traces of a bear. He made Yuri to lie down there and he again went outside to bring fire wood. He brought wood that's not fully drenched in rain. He took 2 random rocks and started hitting them against each other hoping to start a spark. It didn't work. He is hungry. He brought some bushes and covered Yuri like a blanket. As he is crying and thinking about what has he done he suddenly heard a huge sound outside. He came outside to check and its a tree which is burning because it got struck by lighting. He took firewood and use to light it with help of those flames. He made a camp fire inside the cave. He then slept beside Yuri.

Morning came, rain stopped and he opened his eyes. He is weak and hungry. He checked on Yuri but she already woke up and left the cave. Kaizen got concerned and ran outside.
Then Yuri yelled " Hey! Right here!"

He saw Yuri wearing her creepers as bandages and already cooking some fish. She started a campfire. Kaizen was amazed how Yuri got all her energy back after that much of a fight.

" how you feeling Yuri?"

"I'm good, it's common for me to take such beatings. But yesterday was a lil too much"

"Your wounds I'm sorry I don't know how to handle a wounded person."

"It's fine I know little bit of medicine myself so don't worry. In fact look at ur wounds, I patched them up"

"Thank you...."

"Come on let's eat"

Both ate the fish and started moving.

"I think we lost our bags."

"Why you think like that?"

"Those guys are bandits and they steal innocent belonging."

"But I killed the remaining 4 so our bags might be still there."

"No they have reinforcements and...... wait! wait! wait! What did you say? Repeat again."

"I killed the last 4 guys who drugged you. Well I actually killed 3 and left 1 as living terd in the wind. They did last a chance with that huge axe."

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