Chapter 3: Not a Safe Place

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After looking at the body Kaizen don't know what to do. He cried and Shouted for help but due to living far off in an isolated area it is impossible for someone to hear. Then he himself pulled the blood dripping body out and he cried looking at it.

Just after few minutes Dr

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Just after few minutes Dr. Hatsman came in his vehicle all by himself and did not believe what just happened.

" Kaizen is that you?!" Shouted the doctor

As he ran closer to him he saw Kaizen hugging a burnt lady with blood and tears. Kaizen crying and said " All this happened because of me!! I left mom!! I left her alone!!I went to have fun!! She been waiting for me!! It's all my fault!!!"

The Doctor hugged him and said that it's not kaizen's fault. But after a quick second the doctor saw movement in the burnt body and he said " kaizen wait!! She is alive. I saw her moving!!. Quick let's get her to my place"

Kaizen refused and said " No, the closest hospital here is 45 minutes away which is way closer than yours so we take her there"

As soon as Kaizen said that Dr.Hatsman threw a punch right on kaizen's face and that caused kaizen to get knocked out.
"I'm sorry kiddo..."

He kept kaizen in front seat and his mother at the back and drove to his place. He drove there within 45 minutes.

*Early in the morning*

Kaizen woke up in his bed with a bruise on his cheeks. He was first confused but suddenly remembered that he was knocked out by the doctor. He ran quickly to the operating room which is a modified bed room of his. Saw the doctor sitting beside his mother while she is on the bed with oxygen mask and bandages. All the medicine and injection veils on the floor. The doctor is covered in blood and he slowed looked at kaizen and said " She not awake yet"

Quickly kaizen took a sharp scaple that was lying near by and launched himself towards the doctor.
The doctor stopped his hand holding the scaple just right in front of his throat.
He slammed Kaizen down and said " control yourself!" Then kaizen struggled to free his hand but doctor being huge 6.2 feet 280 pounds man easily pinned Kaizen to the ground. Kaizen struggled for a minute and then calmed himself down.

*Near the burnt house*

4 mysterious people appeared. They are wearing robes and hoodies which are in white and red colour. One of them said " where is the kid?" And the other replied " he might have escaped."
Then they heard sirens from ambulances and fire trucks which are supposed to reach there 4 hours early just came.

*All the medical team and fire fighter got down.*

"Quick check for casualties "
" sir there is Noone under the rubble "
" all clear sir"
" strange we got information that here there used to be a women and a child living."
" I guess they might have evacuated sir"
"How they got away from this disaster? anyway that's a good news, now let's leave this area"
"Yes sir!!"

Solo Rebellion: Part 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें