Chapter 5: Guided by the wind

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After burying Honaka and Dr.Hatsman, Kaizen and Yuri started walking towards the city "Arbol" to meet Dr.Hatsman's wife. They wasted no time because they thought the Testimony reinforcements might come to the place. So Kaizen took some cloths that he left in doctor's place when he came earlier with his mother. He stacked some canned food and medicine in a bag. They left no trace of where they are leaving but forgot to dispose the knife that peirced Dr.Hatsmanheart. They thought of burning the house but they just locked it cause fire and smoke will attract more attention. They disposed the bodies of the Testimony individuals in a deep well nearby.

The whole night they spent in the forest sleeping inside the tents made from Yuri creepers and bushes. They woke up early in the morning and continued their journey.

"So Yuri, why did you help us?"

"I don't know. I just hate the Testimony group and their ideas of living."

"So you just helped us with no reason?"

" No, I need some answers from them but unfortunately they are dead."

"Yeah right. You want answers but you pulled that lady's tongue out."

" Hey! It's an accident! By the way she is the one running her mouth. So she deserved it."

" anyway what's the question you want to ask?"

"Uhh...that's none of your business"

"Yeah you proved it yourself that you came to rescue because your instincts told you too. And your lying about the question so you can gain the trust of that lady so she can make a deal "

"What the fuck are you yapping about?! I just saved you so be thankful for that and don't ask me stupid questions."

"Well sorry my bad...So where you heading to?"

"I'm going to the north east and the town that doctor of yours told you is also in this direction "

"So you are not here to give me company?"

"What?! No, I have my own problems and I need to go to my destination in 7 days."

"This destination of yours, is it your hometown?"

" Yeah"

Then they were quite and walking slowly for 2 hours. The only thing that runs in kaizens mind is who he have to contact when some thing happened to him but then realized he is alone.

"Hey Yuri, can you stay with me for a while after we reached Arbol?"

"You want me to stay with you in that town for a while?"

"Yes...means only if you want to-"

"Sure, I also need to buy some stuff in that town."

Actually Yuri had no plan on buying in that town but she realized that kaizen felt alone and scared of what would happen next after reaching the Arbol so she accepted in order to take him safely to his destination.

They kept walking....

*Near the doctor's house*
The other two Testimony members came after searching. Earlier They thought of splitting into 2 groups and searching. They ignored searching for kaizen and started searching for other 2 of their group.
"Looks like a battle happened around here."

"Yeah I'm also thinking the same thing"

One of them looks around and finds the knife that pierced Dr.Hatsman's heart.Kaizen and Yuri forgot to dispose that knife.

"Hey look! It's the knife of Peter." (It's the guy that killed by Yuri by using the pillar)

"Yeah, looks like they came here and fought with someone."

"And there are these two freshly made graves."

" whose graves are those?"

"Honaka Nakamura and Dr.Hatsman "

"Wait, Nakamura? That's the last name of the kid we are searching for."

"Yeah, now I get it. It must be his mother. She  might have got injured in the Ulka incident. So he brought to this doctor for the rescue but by the time he reached she died."

"Damn you are smart. But how the doctor died? May be Peter and Clara killed him."

"I guess so. He might have started acting smart or something "

"OK let's search the place for any clues about where Peter and Clara went."

"What do we do with these graves?"

"What you want to do?! We are people of God not graveyard thieves."


They started searching the whole place and they found out a well. It's opening is blocked by a huge rock. They saw it and moved the rock and  found out the bodies of Peter and Clara.
Peter head is smashed and Clara tongue is missing.

"Who did this sinful thing to our members?!!!!!"

"God! Why this suffering for your people?! Why didn't you protect them?!" One of the guy Shouted facing towards the sky.

"I will make them suffer for what they have done to our members."

"Yeah...let's find that brat and tear him limb to limb"
They started walking angrily in the wrong direction because they are idiots. 


Solo Rebellion: Part 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora