Chapter 7: Toe to Toe

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*In Testimony Headquarters*

Testimony Headquarters is a huge building located at England in which the head of Testimony group stays. It maintains smaller Testimony branches (Testimony temples) that spreads across the world. It supports these smaller branches by giving them required budgets. Every Testimony temple has a training ground, dorms, a mess hall, a library and a worship hall. Members will train, eat, know about "God" and worship him, and then they sleep.
Members are categorized into different levels according to their experience, performance and number of successful missions. Lord level, Elder level, Master level and Junior level.

A man running into the Testimony Headquarters*

"Sir Elder! Sir Elder!" Screamed the man while he running towards the meeting hall.
As he entered the meeting hall he saw all the "elder" level members sitting on a round table conference.

"What is it Master?" Asked by one of the elder.

"Japan's temple just gave information that they found that boy."

"Which boy you talking about, if  I may ask?"

"It's the missing boy from the Ulka incident."

"So he survived"

"Yes sir, but two of our junior level members lost their lives when they tried to bring him here."

Then other elders in the room started discussing.
"Okay fine. I will let the Lord know. You may leave"

"In the god's presence I leave..."

Then one of the elder said "So what plan shall we make to bring that boy?"

"Planning is not what we need now. All we need is patience."
"We shall inform this to Lord and then we do whatever it needs to be done."

Meanwhile in the forest, Yuri and Kaizen are surrounded by the bandits.
Silence for 25 seconds. All that is heard is wind and tree branches swinging. Bandits are ready to jump on Yuri and Kaizen any moment now.

"Get them!" Ordered by the Bandit boss.
All of a sudden 2 arrows came right at Yuri. She instantly summoned the creepers from the ground and formed a protective shield around herself and kaizen. The arrows are blocked. Then two bandits jumped on the shield and started hitting it with their axes.

Then a slight opening appeared on the shield made from creepers. Both of the bandits stopped and one of them peeked into the hole.
Suddenly Yuri's hand came out of the hole and got hold if his face. He got pulled in to shield. Other guy holds on to his leg got dragged inside too.

All the bandits and their boss outside heard screaming of those 2 men inside the shield. Then all of a sudden the shield bursts opened and the two bandits inside flew out towards the bandits holding bow and arrow. Then got collided and the archery bandits fell down from trees.
In that moment the boss got distracted by covering his eyes with his elbow because he got stunned by the shield burst. Yuri launched at him and gave a good right hook to his cheek. The boss stood still. He ate that punch like it was nothing.
"Pufff! Is that all you got?" Said by the boss in cocky way and swings his axe.
Yuri shocked how hard his face was and she ducked at exact time dodging the axe.

Then Yuri gave an upper cut right on the chin but still he looked at her as if it was nothing. Yuri took a step back and again rushed at him. She gave consecutive blows on his body. She kept punching him using her Both hands. At first the boss smiled while taking those punches but after some blows he heard a "crack" sound. It's the sound of one of his rib breaking. He felt pain and then got serious. He again brandishing the axe. Yuri dodged his brandishing. His axe slight graced her hair. Her dodging is so close.
Then some creepers came from the ground and got hold on to his axe. He unable to swing the axe any more. Then Yuri gave a proper round house kick to his jaw. The Boss left his axe and threw a punch at Yuri's face. The punch connected. She was thrown 2 meters by that punch.

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