Chapter 189-Climbing Furniture

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Hello, friends! Who wants a character Q & A?

And possibly a face reveal? 

Stipulation: 20 comments

Love, Dessa ❤️


MAY 10TH, 2019

LaToya walked into Athena's office, where she saw her sister-in-law rummaging through files and documents—seemingly looking for something specific.

"Uh...Hena?" LaToya voiced, "Do you want me to get Michael to help you look for....whatever you're looking for?"

"My husband? Oh, no. Mr. Jackson is too busy to help anybody apparently! I'm sorry, I know that's your brother, but...." Athena let out a frustrated sigh as she continued to search through the papers scattered on the desk.

LaToya could sense her sister-in-law's agitation and hesitated for a moment before speaking again, "Is there anything I can do to help, Hena?" she offered, stepping closer to look at the jumble of documents, "What exactly are you looking for?"

"My father's important legal documents," Athena sighed, "With his recent passing, his will states that everything of his now belongs to me," she added before climbing up on the desk and then onto the filing cabinet, "He never fixed it after we found out that Austin, Noah, Chris, Lucas, and Richard were his kids too."

LaToya's eyes widened, "Athena, climbing up there might not be the safest idea," she said warily, "You threw your back out last month!"

"I'm fine now!" Athena argued, seemingly not caring that it could possibly happen again.

"Hena, what if you throw your back out again?!" LaToya exclaimed, "Get down from there!" she added with wide eyes, only to be ignored by her sister-in-law.

As Athena continued to rifle through the filing cabinet and the shelves, all the while standing on the desk, LaToya made a split-second decision as she grabbed Athena's phone off the floor.

She quickly dialed Michael's number through speed dial—not having to unlock the phone to do so. After a few rings, Michael's voice came through the line, "Hey, baby."

LaToya cringed but then realized Michael must've thought she was Athena because she was using Athena's phone, "Michael, it's LaToya," she interrupted quickly, hoping Michael wouldn't question the sudden change in caller, "Athena is climbing on furniture!"

"Wait, what? LaToya, where are you guys? Is Athena okay?" Michael's voice came through urgently on the other end of the line.

LaToya sighed in relief that Michael had taken her seriously, "We're in the study, and no, Athena is not okay."

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