Chapter 18-Bond of a Sister

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"Athena!" Reggie exclaimed, "Wait up!"

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"Athena!" Reggie exclaimed, "Wait up!"

"No, I'm not going on tour with you again," Athena shook her head, continuing to walk the streets of Los Angeles, California.

"You don't even know what I was going to ask!" Reggie defended with a huff.

"I know it involves me." Athena countered, "Otherwise you wouldn't be asking me."

"Fair enough," Reggie sighed, making every attempt to grab onto her half-sister's arm, "Please, Hena, just wait!"

"What do you want?" Athena groaned.

"Can we just stop for a second?" Reggie pleaded, "I just want to talk!"

Athena clenched her jaw and pushed her shoulders back, spinning on her heel, "What?"

"I know we don't get along much as sisters, but there are ways to fix that," Reggie said, "I've been thinking, and I asked the other girls too. We were thinking of doing a documentary series. It's going to be about us and our family, how Sorrelle came to be, and—"

"It will cost money that you don't have," Athena added, crossing her arms in slight annoyance that her assumption was right, "Which is why you are asking me."

"Hena, it's not just that!" Reggie sighed, "We all feel like doing this could bring us together as a family again!"

"In what way?" Athena countered once again, "Too much damage has been done and I don't think we can come back from it. After everything that has happened—"

"That's why I'm asking," Reggie said as she took a deep breath, "The other girls knew you wouldn't listen to them, so they sent me." she said, "They know we have a more....special bond than you have with them."

"First of all, do not interrupt me, Reggie," Athena said sternly, "And second, why do they automatically assume we're that close?"

"Well, you know we're a mixed family, Hena. They didn't stick up for me as much as you did when it came to all the racism and the hate I was facing when we were younger, being the only black girl in the group," Reggie reminded, "You were the only one who was there for me."

"My morals and values would never allow me to stand there and watch them tear you down because of the color of your skin," Athena shrugged, "Not just because you are my sister, but because it's wrong to intentionally inflict pain on someone. We all breathe. We all have emotions. We all bleed the same damn color."

"Which is why I commend you and I deeply appreciate you standing up for me." Reggie nodded to her younger sister, "I want to truly be sisters. I know we've had our conflicts, you and the others more than the two of us, but I believe they can be fixed. We can see a family therapist. Anything! I just want to be in your life again, Athena!"

"Therapy isn't an option, if you've forgotten. Whatever we say will be on TMZ the next day." Athena scoffed, "And that would be sweet on any normal day," she clenched her jaw and shook her head, "But not when you continuously get used for your money and feel like the family ATM!" she said, referring to herself and how she has felt for years, "All of you have used me for money! Nicole, our supposed mother! Reagan, Renae, Riley, Rachel! Even you!"

I Just Can't Stop Loving You | Michael JacksonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora