Is this really goodbye?

Start from the beginning

I balked as he screamed at me. It's not often that he loses his cool and yells. It's actually very rare that he even raises his voice. Especially with me.

"I am going to get you some lunch. Take a fucking shower." He snapped.

I flinched as he slammed the door on his way out. "IT'S NOT LIKE I CAN TAKE OFF MY FUCKING PANTS, YOU ASSHOLE!"

I screamed it, knowing he couldn't hear me anyway. I sucked in a deep breath and tried not to cry. I stripped off my shirt before heading to the bathroom, dragging the chain across the floor with me. I turned the shower on before I dropped my pants. I pushed them and my boxers down and pulled the chain through so I could shower without them getting wet. I quickly took a shower winsing at the cuts on my face stinging. I wanted to be so fucking pissed but realistically... he had a good fucking plan. He's officially made me stop and listen. I stepped out and dried off before pulling my underwear and pants back up onto me.

I stepped out into the bedroom and Mason was back with a tray with food and a bottle of soda and a bottle of water on it, along with my pill bottles. He pointed to the couch and I sighed but walked over and took a seat. He brought the tray over and set it on the coffee table in front of me. It was a plate with mac and cheese and what looked like fried chicken cut up and mixed in.

"Are you willing to eat yourself or am I helping you?"

"I can do it."

He raised his hand like he was going to touch me. I jerked away.

"Don't fucking touch me."

"Okay. You eat. I'm gonna shower."


I glared at the food in front of me until the bathroom door shut. I dropped my glare and sighed before I sat forward and grabbed the plate. I was actually starving. He wasn't wrong that I chose not to eat because he was mad at me. But that was nothing new. Anytime someone was mad or upset with me I ended up throwing myself into work and avoiding my own needs. I quickly ate the food and took my pills. Mason was still inside the shower and my anger at being chained up in my own room was starting to bubble over.

I stood up and walked over to where the chain was fastened to the floor. If I knew my mate the cuff would be silver with a special coating on it to protect me, same as the chain. But that doesn't mean he was able to find silver screws or a bracket in this short of time. I was in here earlier and it wasn't here. From when I left the dining room to when he stormed into my office it had only been roughly an hour to an hour and a half. I knew for a fact I didn't just have silver screws or brackets in my inventory.

I kneeled by the bed and tried to twist the screws free by hand. I growled in annoyance when none of them would move. I grabbed the bracket next and braced myself as I got a good hold and let Titus come out so I could try to break the bracket free. Even using my full Alpha strength, it didn't even creak. I stopped pulling on it and tears of frustration stung my eyes. I settled on the floor with my back against the night stand. This was honestly so fucking demeaning. I'm a goddamn Alpha and my fucking mate has me chained up in my room.

"Did you know what he was going to do?"

"Who? Mason?"

"Yeah, Dad. Mason."


"Well if you don't get up here and unchain me... I'm gonna fucking lose it."

"He chained you up?"

"Yeah. To the fucking floor under our bed. This is the most fucking demeaning shit I have ever been through."

"Hold on."

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