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Jenny POV

It was now Friday noon, and I was almost done getting ready for the dinner plans with Jessie and Blake. I was currently dressed in blue loose jeans, and a black and white corset, that pushed up my chest beautifully, and to top it off some black heels and jewelry.

Sarah asked me where I planned to go and although I didn't lie, I still haven't yet told her the whole thing, yet. All she knew was that I was meeting up with old family friends that I recently reconnected with.

I was suppose to leave in an hour, so I decided to spend that time doing my hair and makeup. I did very light makeup, and not much to my hair either, just retouched some areas to make it less frizzy.

I was now patiently waiting on the couch, waiting till it was time to go until I got a message from no other than Blake, letting me know she was outside to pick me up.

I questioned it for a second but happily jumped off the couch and gathered my things, and said goodbye to Sarah, and she wished me luck.

As I walked to the car, I saw Blake already there, having the door opened.

"Woah, you look so beautiful." Blake says, as I walked up to her.

"Thank you! You look fine yourself." I said, scanning her in black jeans and tight white V long-sleeve that showed off her chest. She looked so good, I didn't want to look away, specifically those faded hickeys that weren't so noticeable anymore.

"Don't stare too much, we'll have other guest joining tonight, so try to be less obvious." Blake says, as we were already in the car.

"Who else will be there?"

Blake sighed and smiled, "You'll find out soon. Was told it was a surprise."


"My mother!?" I questioned, as I opened the backyard doors, and see her standing by Jessie next to the grill.

"Yeah, I just found out before picking you up. Sorry for not letting you know, but your mom insisted on letting it be a surprise" Blake whispered behind me.

"Jenny! You look so grown and beautiful." My mom said pulling me into a hug.

I giggled, "Thanks, but it hasn't been that long since we seen each other, also what are you doing here?" I questioned.

"I thought it would be nice to see us all back together." Jessie says.

I nodded, "And Nick?" I asked about my little brother.

"He's couldn't make it, he told me he wanted to, but had already planned something since last week and didn't want to cancel. But he said he'll be here next time. Plus, he staying over at Joey's" she said, Joey being Nick's best friend/neighbor.

"Oh, that's good for him." I said, but really I knew he just came up with an excuse not to come, he hates going anywhere Joey and his games aren't at.

I scanned the huge backyard, and there was lights hanging down, and by the grill, a beautiful glass table and next to it was a fireplace. The view was beautiful, but next time I would rather it be just me and Blake.

"Alright, foods done! Blake, Jenny go get plates, cups, utensils and napkins!" Jessie said with joy.

I nodded, and followed Blake since I didn't know where anything was at.

"The papped cups and plates are on that top cabinets, I'll get the rest." Blake said.

I reached for the cups and plates, when I felt Blake wrap her hands around my waist, "need any help, sweetheart?"

I chuckled and let her arm rest on me since we were out of our parents view, "you know we're around the same height"

Blake shrugged her shoulders, "I'm an inch or two taller"

"Yeah, with heels, love" I said softly, caressing her jaw with the tips of my fingers while I leaned into her.

Blake unwrapped herself from me, grabbing my wrist to stop me, "Let's not start something, we can't finish." She smiled.

Before I could respond she got the cups and paper down for me and went to her pantry to get the other stuff.


We were now all sitting down, enjoying our dinner while my mom and Jessie were on a full on conversation about work stories.

I look over to Blake and she looked interested in what they were discussing but I only the other hand was bored. That's when an idea clicked in my head.

Since I was across from Blake, I slid my feet up and down her leg, making her look at me. I couldn't read her face at all, but I continued.

"So Blake, found anyone that you're interested in?" My mom asked.

I continued to caress her leg from underneath and shot her a raised eyebrow and smirk. "Yes, but it's a bit complicated at the moment." She said.

"Jenny, what about you? What about that Sarah girl?Your mom tells me she's your roommate and possibly something more?" Jessie said.

I looked over at Blake and she raised an eyebrow, looking annoyed, "No, there's nothing going on, she's just a good friend." I said.

Jessie nodded, and she and my mom both went back to their conversations.


After finishing our meal, Blake and I were cleaning up while Jessie and my mom were by the fireplace drinking and chatting.

Blake was washing some dishes and hasn't spoken a word to me for the past half hour. I hug her from behind and wrapped my arms around her waist, "Mhm, you smell so nice."

"I smell like grilled meat, I can't smell that good." Blake said.

I lick a small part on her neck, "Well you taste delicious." I whisper, burying myself in her neck.

Blake tensed up and turned around and lifted my chin to meet her eyes, "Jenny, what's with this little game of yours? They are both right out that door and you are not making it any easy for me."

"Well that makes two of us," I smiled and wrapped one of my arms around her waist, and pulling her in for a kiss.

After a while, Blake let go of the kiss, and grabbed my wrist pulling me up the stairs.

"Where are we going?" I jokingly questioned.

"Somewhere more private." Blake said quietly, I almost didn't catch it.

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