CHAPTER 13: Ice Cream

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Jenny's POV

I can't believe this is actually happening, it feels like a dream. I mean, I just made out with my crush.  Omg, it was just the most out of gravity feeling I've ever felt.

"Wait, so you were stalking me?" Blake questions, arching her eyebrow while licking the white vanilla ice cream.

"Uhm, no. I wasn't, you were just there coincidentally. I had just arrived at my place and then met you again while I bought my groceries inside." I stated.

"Mhmm, I guess that makes sense. So, I was thinking and I don't think we should continue us or, whatever this is." Blake said, staring at the ground.

I placed my finger under her chin and brought her towards me to lick off the ice cream that was left there on her chin. "I don't know what's more tastier, you or the ice cream."

Blake pushed me roughly, "Jenny, stop. I'm being serious. This is some messed up shit. I mean we barely just met again. I don't want to be some kind of kink of your's who just wants to hook up with their teacher."

"What the fuck, that is unfair. I'm sorry but I don't pick who I fall for, and I just told you that I met you before I found out you were one of my professors. Did you even know how terrified I was just thinking about letting you know about my feelings for you. You know what, I'll just get going. We'll talk later."

I got up, grabbed my phone and wallet and left.

I didn't want to leave, but how could she even say that. This is my first time ever confessing to someone, and this is what she replies with? I mean I get her point of view, but she didn't have to go too far. I don't know, maybe I'm being dramatic, I need to talk with Avery.

I walked back to the bar to see Sarah drinking her soda, while Avery was dancing. I giggled, I haven't seen her party side in a while, I sure do miss her.

"Hey, you okay?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, just need some drinks."

Sarah called the bartender over and ordered me some of her favorite drinks.

"Wow, this is so strong."

Sarah giggled, "Sorry this is what I get if I had a stressful day. I've noticed you seeming a bit off since I came over."

"I'm alright, just been behind on homework. Also, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave you with someone who you don't know."

"Nah, don't worry about it. Avery's fun and talkative. But where did you go?"

"Just craved some ice cream."

Sarah swiped her thumb on my cheek. "That's where this pink came from. Strawberry, I'm guessing."

I turned red and looked away, "stop, why didn't you tell me sooner?"

She shrugged and smirked, "Well, I didn't notice until now."

A few hours later

We made it back to my apt. and I made sure they each had their rooms while I stayed on the living room couch. I would have slept with Avery, but she gets kicky when drunk.

The next morning, I found Avery in my kitchen making some food.

"Good morning" I said, walking up next to her to the stove.

"morning, I have to get going after breakfast so, let's hurry and eat. I just made some pancakes with bacon and eggs." Avery said.

"So soon?" I frowned.

"Yes, you have class today, don't forget. And I have to help my parents out with something."

I forgot about class, I might not go, I really need a break from her today, at least.

"Oh and Sarah?" I asked.

"She left an hour ago, she said she had to go to school early to study. Anyways, hurry, you have class in around 2 hours."

As we ate, I asked Avery for advice and brought her up to date on what happened yesterday.

"Woah, that's a lot but congratulations. But what the hell, why did she word it like that?" Avery said.

"I know, I just left after that comment. I don't even want to go to her class today." I said, frowning.

"Fuck no, don't let her see that she got to you. You have to show her how mature you are, and don't risk your education for her. Show her exactly what she is missing out on."

I nodded, "You're right. Okay, alright, I got this. Thank you so much," I got up to giver her a hug, and soon left to get changed.

"You know you still have a lot of time to get ready," Avery said giggling.

I yelled from my room, "I mean I have to look hot to show how unaffected I am, right?" Avery mumbled a yeah, having food in her mouth.

After an hour of going through my clothes and getting ready with makeup, I finally finished.

I got out of my room, and showed Avery my outfit which was some light blue ripped jeans, with a black lacy top that showed lots of my chest area since it's a pushed-up, overall it would be an amazing view, but it is enough to where I can wear to school. To top it off I decided to wear some black heels and jewelry, with a black open blazer.

"This is the most hottest shit I've ever seen you wear. I mean, it's not scandalous but for you, yes. She is so not ready for you today, though." Avery said.

"I mean, is it too much?"

"If you're asking if you will get in trouble, you won't. But trust you will have her on her knees."

I shook my head at Avery's comment. I mean I wouldn't mind but I'm still mad about the shit that went down yesterday.

"Alright alright, let's go get some coffee before I drop you off at school." Avery said getting her keys and her bags.

30 mins later

After dropping me off, I still had 20 minutes to wait until class started. I decided to wait outside her class not wanting to be alone with her.

5 minutes passed and I saw Sarah walking over to me.

"Hey, what are you doing out here? Let's go inside. I'm sure she's there. I'm always coming in early and she never minds." Sarah said.

She grabbed my hand before I even got a chance to say anything and went inside after knocking twice quickly.

I saw the old blond lady here again and saw Blake looking annoyed. It looked like she didn't get any sleep, she looked evil in a kinda of way. Definitely a hot evil villain type of look.

Ugh, focus Jenny. We made eye contact once, and broke it off after Sarah said her greetings and pulled me to our seats.

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