CHAPTER 1: Going Away Party

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Jenny's pov ~

On a typical Friday afternoon, I usually stay in my room reading a book or organize, yet right now I was in my living room with so many strangers in a sparking dress. My whole family and friend were present and so were a lot of other people who I hadn't even met yet, still hugging and congratulating me as if I had known them my entire life. It was an amazing party that congratulated me on my scholarship to a university that was located 2 hours away from where I live. Although it wasn't a popular University, such as Harvard or Yale, it was very much still a huge accomplishment, therefore my mom set this party up as a surprise.

"Congratulations, mija," an older unknown woman told me. "Thank you, and thanks for coming, I appreciate it!" I replied, it was the same sentence I said to everyone, I felt horrible having said that to everybody but I also didn't know what to reply with since I didn't know most of them.

I've always been a reserved person but could still interact with strangers if needed. I had a good amount of friends but I wasn't popular or anything but it was just how I liked it.

As I was going to the backyard of my house, my mother stopped me telling me she wanted me to meet her best friend she went to high school with. Although I was very tired from the party, I could never say no to my mother, plus I heard the lady lived 8 hours away so I felt bad if I didn't go.

"Hello, my name is Jessie, you're all grown up. Congratulations on the scholarship, I say you entirely deserve it considering how much your mother brags about you 24/7" she said laughing, while also saying it genuinely.

"I remember you, and yes, I even get jealous of myself since my mother also talks about me so much. Also, thank you so much, I appreciate your time coming here, my mother says you live very far" I replied smiling.

"Oh, not a problem at all, I was around here anyways, my daughter lives a few hours away from here so it was no bother. Also, what university did you say you were going to?" she said sweetly.

"Oh, well that's good to hear, I'm-" I got interrupted by my best friend who suddenly jumped on me.

"OWW," I said exaggerating to make her feel bad.

"oops~," she says, sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

"Well, it's getting late, I think I'm going to start heading out, congratulations once again, and thank you so much for inviting me. Also, my daughter sends her congratulations as well, she couldn't make it since she has so much work cramped up" Jessie says, while looking to be in a rush.

"Okay, and tell her I said thank you and do not worry about it, hopefully, I'll get to see you and her soon, Goodbye," I said loudly because of the background music. She smiled as a response and soon, both my mother and Jessie left, guessing my mother walked Jessie out.

I turned to my best friend, Avery, and smacked her hard on her head.

"OW, what was that for?!" Avery says confused.

"You interrupted my conversation with a beautiful woman, and embarrassed me in front of her," I said looking angry but was being sarcastic.

"O shut up, she would never be interested in someone young and immature. And if she would, she would go for me." She said cockily while also laughing, soon having me laugh with her.

Avery and I have both been friends since elementary in 3rd grade. At first, we both hated each other's guts, but after a year of fighting we became very close, and we've been great friends since. We both are the complete opposite regarding everything, so every day with her is always something new. One of the things I love about my friendship with Avery is that both of us hate labeling our sexuality, so it's always something random when we talk about our relationships, even though mine is nonexistent.

I've only ever dated once, in my junior year of high school, although I don't count it since it lasted a month. The lucky gal was named Rose. She liked me, and I liked her, but it ended quickly when she told me she fell in love, and when I told her I wasn't sure, she left me since she thought I didn't care about her, even though I believed it should take a long time to get to know a person before falling in love. It was very strange, but it ended okay since we became friends again 2 months later. Yes, it was very strange, but I didn't think too much of it. Even though my relationship life is nonexistent, my sex life is somewhat there, since I do have one-night stands ever so often since Avery loves going to parties. Although, I don't fully go into it nor have I ever experienced amazing sex. Anyways, it goes without saying but parties aren't my thing but I don't mind going since I also sooner or later have fun, plus I also keep my friend safe.

"O shut up, aren't you already dating someone?" I questioned her suspiciously but was trying really hard not to laugh.

"Ugh, you're right, I like him a lot too. Fine, you win today I guess" Avery says, rolling her eyes, jokingly.

"Of course, I always win. Also, as much as I love the attention, I'm starting to feel overwhelmed, let's go upstairs." I said while taking her hand then headed upstairs going straight to my room.

Yes, I know the party is meant for me but I'd already been there all morning and afternoon and was starting to get overwhelmed and just needed to recharge plus everyone was busy having fun, they won't even notice me gone.

Author's notes~
Hello, thanks for giving this book a chance. I am a newbie please don't hate, and until next time goodbye loves.

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