CHAPTER 7: The Coffee Stain

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Blake's pov ~

As the last student left the classroom I sat in my chair and let out a big sigh of relief. The first day is always the hardest, but thankfully, compared to other years, it seemed to be smooth sailing. After standing up I realized I then had to take attendance and start learning each student's name. As I got to my last ten names I then realized I had Jenny Colls in my class. THE Jenny Colls, I did know she was going to university and moving around this area. Oh god, I'm so goddamn stupid, I just put the pieces together. It's such a weird coincidence. Oh well, I can't do anything about it, it doesn't even matter. But it will feel weird teaching someone I knew when I was little but I'll get over it.

"Hey, bitch! Let's get some coffee" Andrew yelled as he walked in.

"Andy, I am not in the mood."

"Yeah, say that to your eye bags. Let's just go," he said.

"Fine, but no more coffee stops for this entire month."

"Mhmm, not possible. But I'll leave you alone for a week." He said giving me puppy eyes.

I rolled my eyes, "Make it two, and we have a deal."

"Fine." He said rolling his eyes and dragging me out.


As I walked into the door a blond teenage girl pushed my shoulder running out.

"Sorry" she yelled out from a distance. I rolled my eyes in return, already over from today.

I ordered my coffee and saw the student who was late today in my class. She proceeded to take off her wet jacket and toss it in her backpack, but then noticed coffee stains on her white shirt making it see through.

I turned to Andy and told him that I'll be back, and he nodded in response and continued his talk with the worker. I swear he was so social, I don't even know why he needed me.

"Here, take it." I told her, giving her my coat.

She turned and realized who I was and fixed her posture. I laughed inside, it's always funny when students get nervous.

"Miss J, thank you but I'll be fine with this one here" she said, showing me her wet jacket.

"You can't swear a soaked jacket, nor can you go around with that see through shirt, covered in coffee stains. Also, you're my student, it's my job to prioritize you, and keep you safe. I also expect you to return it, so don't think too much of it." I said.

"Well, thank you. I'll make sure I'll have it clean before returning it." She said.

I smiled softly, "Well thank you, see you later, uhh Miss?" I questioned her.

"Colls, my name's Jenny Colls." She said, giving me a warm smile. That smilied brought me back, it was some deja vu.

I stayed silent, shocked she was Jenny. I would have never guessed, she looked so different.

"Anyways, Miss J, I'll get going. Thank you again for this, see you next time." She placed the coat on her and left out the door.

I still stood there in complete shock. I wonder if she even recognized me. I don't think so though, or she would have said something earlier, right?

I went back to Andrew and after we got our coffee, and talked a bit and soon left to go back home.

Jenny's POV -

OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. I can't believe the lady I am going crazy for the last few days is my math teacher. AND she gave me her coat?! It has such a strong smell of vanilla, it is so sweet and yummy. I'm just so happy, I feel like I've known her my entire life. Strange huh?

I then began to call Avery to tell her about everything that has happened so far.

Avery: Your. Joking. You can't possibly think about hitting on your professor. She's probably 40 and just has a young look.

Me: I just haven't met or seen anyone like her. She is so different, I've never fallen nor liked someone this quickly. Isn't that saying something?

Avery: Look, I support you and all especially since you're old enough to make your own decisions, but all I'm saying is to be careful. She's probably already married or not into girls. Another reason is that if you ask her out, she might decline and it might be awkward the entire semester. Are you sure you want to risk that?

Me: You're right, sadly. It's just, she is so beautiful and has such a beautiful alluring voice.

Avery: Sorry, I don't mean to ruin your mood or anything. But if something were to happen, I'll be proud of you mamas. Gotta go eat dinner, I'll text you later, bye.

Me: I know, thank you for the reality check. Say hi to your parents for me. Bye-bye, love you.

Avery: I will, and love you too, bye.

I hung up the phone and am now on the couch still in the heavenly, vanilla smelling coat. I still had a full day before returning this coat, and all I want to do tomorrow is stay in bed with this comfortable smell next to me.

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