CHAPTER 2: Blake's Night

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Blake's pov ~

As I got out of the shower I quickly got dressed in a black silky dress that fit my body perfectly. I also decided to add some light makeup to look decent to this bar where I was going to hang out with friends. I ran straight downstairs to leave but ended up meeting with my mother. I asked her why she was in a good mood, to which she responded with how great the party was.

"Oh my gosh, I forgot about the party, why didn't you wake me up?!" I told her frantically, feeling bad since my mother specifically told me how she wanted to spend more time with me before leaving back home.

"Don't worry about it, I saw how tired and busy you were considering you have to prepare for work." my mother said.

"Well, I hope you congratulated the girl for me and said hi to Ms. Colls for me, I haven't seen her or her daughter in over 10 years," I said with curiosity about how they were doing.
"Also, some friends wanted to meet up with me, so I'll be back tomorrow, bye Mother," I said kissing her on the cheek while heading out.

"Yes, I sent your regards for you mija, and stay safe. I'm going to sleep already, but call me if anything, go have fun," she says still in a happy mood. I definitely should have gone, it must have been a nice party if it kept my mother that happy even after leaving.


After an hour of driving, I finally arrived at the hotel my friends and I agreed to stay for the night. When I arrived I immediately lay on the hotel bed, feeling tired from that drive. I took a nap until my friends arrived since I arrived first. After 30 minutes, I was awoken by knocks, I opened the door and saw my best friends James and Lena.

"Uhm, are you okay you look like you got beat up" James commented while looking close to my face. I walked over to the bed and picked up a pillow and threw it at him with all my strength.

"Stop! You guys are so immature." Lena said, looking all serious. James and I got a pillow and threw it at her causing all of us to laugh.

"Okay, on a serious note, go get yourself freshened up to head out," Lena said, turning me around to a mirror to see the smudged mascara from the nap I had taken earlier.

"Ugh, fine," I said as I headed to the bathroom.

Lena, James, and I all met in our freshmen year of college and became very close friends, even after so much time we still all occasionally meet up for a drink. Of course, seeing as they arrived together, it goes without saying that they are a couple. I know, so much third wheeling but thankfully they still include me all the time, which I appreciate. I, myself, don't have anyone and don't plan to, I see no interest in anyone.


As I arrived at the bar, it was blasting with loud music. We all found a table and talked while drinking for what seemed like hours, just catching up since the last time we met up, which was last month. As I was talking to them I noticed a short blonde-haired young woman behind them just staring at me, in return I stared back. Lena and James noticed, then turned to see who I was staring at and turned back at me while laughing.

"What?!" I said.

"Nothing, just know you aren't coming to the hotel tonight," Lena said laughing.

"Wasn't planning to, you guys probably wouldn't let me sleep. I'm not about to hear you guys fuck again like last time." I said squinting my eyes at them.

"I said I was sorry, but yeah no promises," Lena said, causing us all to laugh.

"Well, I'll meet you guys at the hotel tomorrow morning," I said giving them both a wink, as I got up to go meet up with the woman who kept eyeing me. Lena and James both laughed and yelled their goodbyes.

"Hello beautiful, are you alone" I said as I arrived to meet up with this beautiful woman.

"Yes I am, but hopefully not for long," she said flirtatiously while also chucking.

"Not a problem, dear," I said with a wink and grabbed her hand heading to a hotel next to the bar I was at.


The next morning I woke up with nothing on me, I smiled to myself since it has been a while and it was a good time, to be honest. I turn to my left and still see that the beautiful blond still there but was awoken by my movements.

"Oops, sorry for waking you," I said while putting on my clothes.

"Good morning to you too, and no worries, if you don't mind I will stay here a bit longer," she says smiling.

"Not a problem, anyways nice meeting you, goodbye," I said walking toward her to give her a small peck before heading out to catch an Uber to go back to the hotel where my friends were at.

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