"Sir, right now, pray. That's all that can be done. We haven't heard anything and I...I'm scared." There I said it. I reach over and take Tony's hands in mine. Seungmin and Jeongin sit on either side of us, holding us. I look over at Changbin, his own fear mirroring mine. Looking around, I see all their faces. This can't be the end. It can't be.

Hours have gone by. Still, no doctors have come out. All we've been told is she had to go in for an emergency surgery, that's it. We don't know why, which makes it even worse for all of us. Finally, the door opens and in steps a doctor.

"Ho-how is our mom?"

"I need to speak to the family privately."

"No. Anything you have to say you will say in front of all of us. We are all family, in one way or another. No one is leaving this room. Understood?"

I've never seen Don look so fucking pissed. The doctor's gaze finally looks around at who is actually in the room with a shock.

JYP steps forward. "The woman is family. Period. We will not be leaving. And if anyone leaks the fact we are here, I will own this hospital. Now speak."

"Oh. Um, yes sir Mr. Park. I understand." Taking a deep breath, he turns to Don and Tony.

"You mom had an infection in one of her incisions. Has she been more tired, not eating as much, things like that?"

"Yeah, for like the past week, maybe longer. A few times it looked like she had a pain, but she wouldn't tell us anything. Her nurse has been out the past week due to a family emergency. She was due to go see her doctor tomorrow."

"I'm not going to beat around the bush. She's in critcial condition right now. We had to open her up to get all the infection out. Did she recently fall? There was a bruise on the side of the infection. We think that is what made it burst inward."

"S-she tripped last night and hit her side hard on the counter. Doc, is she going to be ok?" Changbin is barely breathing.

"Truthfully, I'm surprised she made it here alive. Right now, I'm not sure. The infection hit hard and fast and has infected her blood as well. If I were you, I'd start praying and pleading. The next 24 hours, well, we'll see. We've done everything we can. Now, she has to be the one to fight."

At that, Changbin collapses on the ground, along with Don and Tony. The three are inconsolable in their grief and fear.

"Doc, can we go see her? We ne-need to s-see her. Please." Chris collapses next to Changbin on the floor, as each of the others also slide onto the floor and start holding each other. The fear is radiating off each of them as their tears course down their faces.

"I don't think.."

"Doctor, may I speak to you, in private?" JYP stands up, guiding the doctor through the doors.

A few minutes later the door opens, with the doctor looking absolutely flabbergasted. Stepping in, he takes a moment to look at the them. Truly seeing them in a new light. He'd never heard of such a thing, though he fully believed in soulmates. He could feel and see the fear they held. These men, and her kids, are terrified to lose her. Now, now he understands it. Right then and there he decides to break some rules.

"Two at a time may come back. I will allow her kids and fiancé to stay with her tonight. Normally, this would not happen. But under the circumstances, I'll allow it. She has been moved in to a larger room and has her own nursing staff. You can thank Mr. Park for that. He wanted me to tell you he will be right back. Tony, Don, come with me."

Standing up, the guys sit back in the chairs, holding each other. Hyunjin grabs Changbin, sitting on the sofa that is in the room.

"Jin, I c-can't l-l-lose her. We can't lose her. Sh-she has to b-be ok. Right? She's go-going to be ok, right?"

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