World Renovations part 2

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Ink: wait what do you mean?! I only liked it because of the vampire idea

Dream: umm thank you for warning us, don't worry ink 

Blue: I...don't think you need to elaborate more, we understand 

Ink: Yep! Thank you voice, I . I didnt know there was places like...that 

Error: s̵e̷e̴ ̸a̴n̸d̶ ̴y̶o̸u̵ ̴s̴t̴i̶l̴l̵ ̷a̵s̶k̶ ̴m̶e̷ ̸w̸h̵y̷ ̵I̷ ̵d̷e̴s̸t̶r̶o̴y̸ ̵

Rasp: I don't know if the vampire idea would be fun to deal with anyways Ink we already got to deal with an octopus and a glitch

Nightmare: I..Am..Not...AN OCTOPUS!

Error: A̸N̷D̴ ̷I̴M̸ ̸N̴O̶T̸ ̵A̸ ̷F̵U̴N̵K̷I̵N̷G̶ ̴G̷L̵I̸T̶C̸H̷ ̷A̶N̵O̵M̷A̴L̴Y̸!̸

(Oh, shoot. Didn't know about this. All I knew was it's vampire related. Don't worry though Ink understands, he won't go near it. He would never disregard wise advice from the voices)

Blue: Oh thank you!!

Fresh: Yeah thanks rad broski!

Ink: it's okay you didn't mean it to be offending,  you just thought it would be funny!

Classic: Lucky me there is only four sessions left

(The drone comes from the portal holding a letter)

Strawberry: Oh thank you know do you think we should give it a name or something I was think-

Nightmare: Just take the stupid note and shut up

Strawberry: Rude

(Once strawberry takes the note the Drone heads back to the portal)

Error: W̵A̴I̸T̶ ̶l̷e̷t̸ ̶m̷e̶ ̸g̴e̷t̸ ̶o̷u̸t̸ ̵o̷f̶ ̴h̵e̷r̴e̴!̷ ̶

(The portal closes before Error could enter making him hit the wall instead making everyone  laugh, even earning a small chuckle from Nightmare that went unnoticed)

Error: F̷U̴D̶G̸E̵!

Reaction video ( )

Ink: I will and might have said this already but...THAT WAS AMAZING! Thesingingdancingwndtheanimationwasdonegreatly!thatremindsme-

(Fresh slides a bucket before Ink could vomit in the floor)

Ink:Oh thanks Fresh!

Dream: I really like the music and transition of words but i do hope the eating part isn't real

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