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Red: sooo what are we watching? 

Classic: Don't know, maybe a comedy movie?

Blue: Tacos are ready!!


Emerald: umm, what was that?

Classic: sounded like upstairs

*The four headed upstairs to check out the source of the noise*

Ink: OWWW, my skull!

Dust: Mmph mm Off!

Ink: ....what?


*Door slowly opens revealing the other four peeking in*

Classic and Red: Ink?

Emerald and Blue: INK!

Ink: Um Hi? What are guys doing here

Emerald: Oh great what is he doing here?

Dust: Augh you, why are you here? Where even am I? I was just talking to Killer a second ago!

Dust: Augh you, why are you here? Where even am I? I was just talking to Killer a second ago!

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Dust: What the-

Emerald: Heads up. We are stuck here to answer question and do dares that random voices tell us.

Classic: Well, it was certainly something. It wasn't everyday you see another version of yourself. Even if I did understand the alternative universe theory, I didn't think it would be real or that many aus in general existed. I did question at first everything, but you sort of get use to it (eventually). Also, no? I don't think so at least. 

Reaction video: (

Blue: Ohh of course I would and the others would love to join! 

Classic: Didn't have anything else plan, sure

Ink, Red, Emerald: (Yeah) (I guess) (yeah)

Dust:....augh, fine

*After the video*

Blue: Oh another Underswap?! I love other me's cape and mask, he looks like a superhero!

Ink: I KNOW! I wonder what's he like, ohh maybe I should find that au?! maybe we can meet him?! I wonder what's the plot of the au?! Oh maybe the story different too!! We sho-*vomits ink*

Red: Eww

Dust: WATCH IT! You almost vomited your stupid Ink on me!

Classic: Is he wearing a cape?

Emerald: Cool

(Ink and Dust have entered the room (or well an empty white void with a single giant house). So prepare any ask and dares you may have! Have a nice day/evening/night!) 

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