A deadly arrival

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Currently all of our beloved guests are in the living room. While some preferred to watch some films (or were asleep), others were carching up on some video games......and others were just planning on trouble 

Red: Okay who the fudge took my charger?

Classic: What do you mean?

Red: I mean someone took my charger!

Fresh: Sure you didn't misplace it my mad brosph? 

Red: NO! It was literally right in front me earlier! How cou-


Error: H̶e̷h̴e̸,̵ ̶w̸e̷l̵l̵ ̴t̷h̴i̵s̶ ̷i̴s̷ ̵h̷i̶l̴a̴r̶i̴o̵u̸s̷

Killer: Aww come on Cross, he just wants a little hug (shoves a cow plushie closer)

Horror: Cross your hurting it's feelings

Cross: Forget its feelings!

Dream: Is Cross okay? He seems terribly scared.

Emerald: Cross? Yeah, he's fine. He's just absolutely terrified of cows for some reason. We usually do this in the castle every once in a while

Blue: We?

Geno: Cows? Really?

Cross: They are dangerous predators!

Emerald: Speaking of, where did you even find that cow plush?

Dust: Who cares, it's fun

Ink: hey is it me or is it getting warmer

Reaper: Nah it's just you

All: Reaper?!

Reaper: Yep, hope I didn't scare you to death. Got an invitation here so thought I'd join in.

Dust: Why does he get some casual invitation while we just break our bones falling down here?!

Reaper: hm sounds like a touch of irony...maybe because I'm also Death? They probably knew it would be a grave mistake to do that to me

maybe because I'm also Death? They probably knew it would be a grave mistake to do that to me

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Cross: oh, so that's what's been going on?

Emerald: Yeah

Ink: And he's been losing to them

Nightmare: Shut. Up.

Reaper: wow, the great feared Nightmare defeated by a simple voice. How the tables have turned

(Nightmare glares harshly at Reaper)

Reaper: yeah those "death" glares don't work on me

Ask 2

Geno: Yes I'm-

Reaper: He's dead alright, yet still alive. I can confirm that, with you know...being the grim reaper

Geno: yeah.... Anyways, well I guess it kind of works like I'm alive? I'm use to just "living" now and  everything's mostly the same, except I have an eternal slash that bleeds forever and I can't leave my home (at least not long periods of time) otherwise I dust.

Ink: Oh yeah I forgot........wait and how are you here? 

Geno: .... I don't know

(I may have tweaked Geno's code allowing him to live outside the save screen, before he came in to avoid the whole death situation.)

Ask 3

Fresh: Very good question my home slice. I do dig my tubular look but the 80s chill too, Any rad freshy vibes is cool and Kay with me. 

Ask 4 

Ink: I....dont know?

Classic: haven't really thought about it, but Temmies are a bit....unique.

Emerald: Unique? I would say they are adorable if it weren't for how odd and strange they can stretch their limbs. 

Classic: are you still spooked about them trying to "pet" you?

Emerald: of course not! (Mumbles) I just don't like being touched

Ink: Now you sound like Mr. Glitchy over there 

Error: W̵h̸a̴t̵ ̷d̸i̴d̷ ̶y̶o̴u̴ ̸f̶l̷i̶p̵p̵i̴n̴g̵ ̷c̸a̷l̵l̸ ̶m̸e̵!̴

Ask 5

Classic: Under the sink? ummm, it's well lasts just say I dint expect it. last time I checked there seemed like a dark cave with bone attacks scattered here and there. And a photo...of a...dog.....Guess the white little pup crashes in once in a while. 

Blue: Well good bye friend, hope we can talk again!

Dream: Goodbye and I do hope your sleep schedule is better! 

Nightmare: Or not

Ink, Blue, Dream: Nightmare!

Ink: Bye everyone!

Reaper: see ya later voices

(The grim reaper himself has come (luckily not here to reap anyone) ask and dare any of our guests. That's all, I wish everyone a nice day/evening/night!)

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