Incoming Bird part 1

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(Currently in the mansion, there was an intense round of uno occurring between the stars and bad sanses)

Ink: Sorry Cross but your gonna have to skip a turn!

Cross: What the- How!? That's the fourth time already! How many skips do you have?!

Ink: I'm not telling!

Blue: His whole deck is mostly just skips

Ink: Blue how dare you

Killer I gotcha Cross (puts down a card) Ink it's your turn


Killer: Whoops sorry Horror, anyways I pick yellow

Dust: (Drops down another +4 card) Blue

Dream: I almost had uno! We are changing places next time

Blue: Yes we are, Dust and Killer are the worst!

Killer: Then why did you sit in between us?

Blue: To keep things fair

Lust: oh, looks like you're having fun over there!

Reaper: I don't know about it

Emerald: Hey come on you two focus, we're also playing poker over here

Geno: I would like to finish the game now, its lasted for 20 minutes already!

(A sudden knock was heard in the door)

Strawberry: I'll open it!

Dance: Wait but we don't even know who it is?!

Outer: I wouldn't worry too much about him I'm more worried about whoever is knocking

Strawberry: Hello! Strawberry here! And who are you?


Strawberry: S t r a w b e r r y, not Nightmare or well not your Nightmare at least. That grump is probably in his "office" or whatever

Classic: Oh hey Feathers

Feather: Classic? What are you doing here?

Geno: Long story short we are stuck here and we answer questions or react to things from voices every once in a while. Also we are stuck here.

Feather: . . . . Okay? (Looks around) and is everyone in here?

Outer: Mostly, you got the bad sanses, the stars, Classic, Rasp, Red, Reaper, Lust, Dance, Sci, Epic, and Geno.

Emerald: There's also Error but um..I don't think he's leaving anytime soon from his room

Ink: why?

Emerald: the whole kitsune six tail thing, remember?

Ink oh yeah, now I do!

Ink oh yeah, now I do!

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