Christmas Day

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Today's a special day, after all it's Christmas the most joyful and wonderful day of the year. And somehow, upon waking up, the house was already fully decorated. The halls, kitchen, and living room, were all decorated with bright Christmas lights. The Christmas tree was adorned with ornaments and lights. 

Blue: Yes! Todays Christmas! And- wow, who decorated the house?

Dust: Wasn't it Christmas like two days ago?

Dream: It still looks incredible!

Classic: it sure is, Ink did you do this?

Ink: No? At least I don't remember doing this..

Fresh: Woah, super rad and chill ain't it my broskis?

Error: I̷t̴'̷s̸ ̸t̸o̶o̷ ̴b̴r̵i̵g̶h̸t̶

Nightmare: It couldn't have been Ink, I was mostly awake all night and didn't hear nor see him

Dust: You were awake all night?

Red: Well don't mind me I'm gonna just get all those presents there

Emerald: Obviously not all of them are for you...actually where did they even come from?

Killer: So if Ink didn't do this, then who did?

Geno: It was the person that brought us here

All: Geno?!

Geno: Hey

Emerald: Wait, how do you know that?

Geno: Well I woke up here and found a box with a note on it near me. 

Ink: What did it say?

Geno: *pulls out the note* "Dear Geno, don't be alarmed. You have been chosen to stay here and answer to ask and dares given to random voices. There are others already here in a log house nearby (you can't miss it)"

Red: Well yeah, it's the only flaking house in this empty void

Geno: Don't interrupt me, anyways "please deliver this box and message to everyone there to continue the day with Christmas spirit, this is not a free choice it's an obligation, and I'm talking to you Nightmare. That's all. I wish everyone a merry happy Christmas." Oh and there is also hot chocolate prepared in the kitchen table.

Dream: oh and the cups all have our names imprinted on them 

Emerald: my hot chocolate even has marshmallows, whip cream, and chocolate fudge on top!

Nightmare: And what exactly is in this box? 

(Opening the box it was revealed to be, Santa hats and Christmas sweaters)

Nightmare: I hate it

Ink: Awesome! They look great!

Ink: Awesome! They look great!

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Ask and dare the multiverseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora